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ÄA abr
AAA abr
Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology. Liverpool
a.a.Chr. abr Lat: anno ante Christum im Jahre vor Christi/Christus - B.C.
a.a.Chr.n abr Lat: anno ante Christum natum im Jahre vor Christi Geburt - B.C. |
AAES abbr
Abhandlungen des archäologisch-epigraphischen Seminars der Universität Wien. Wien |
a.a.O. abr
am angeführten Ort - loc. cit.
Heb: Aaron |
(pl) Aaronites
Aaronitisch adj Aaronitic; Aaronitischer Segen - Aaron's blessing |
Aaronsstab m (sg)
Aaron\\\'s rod
Aas n (-e) carcass |
AAW abbr
Anzeiger für Altertumswissenschaften. Wien |
ab adj, dat prep away, from, down, off |
AB abbr
Assyriologische Bibliothek. Leipzig |
Abaddon m Heb: Abaddon, depths of hell; place of destruction |
Abakus m (-) abacus |
Abälard m Abeland |
Abälardus m Abeland |
abänderbar adj
modifiable, alterable; commutable; variable; declinable |
abändern vr sep
to alter, change, vary, modify; to amend; to revise
Abänderung f (-en)
alteration, modification, change; revision; correction, rectification; amendment; commutation; mutation |
Abart No information yet. |
Abb. abr Abbildung(en) - illustration(s) |
bibl, Aram: Abba, Father; A. Offenbarung - revelation of the father |
ABBA abbr
Abhandlung der bayrischen Benediktiner-Akademie. München |
abberufen vi sep
to recall; to call away; to pass away, call(ed) home (euphemism for to die)
abbeten vr sep
to recite (prayer(s)); to recount in prayer; to avert or expiate by prayer; to repeat mechanically, rattle off; den Rosenkranz a. - to tell one's beads
abbiegen vr sep to bend; to deflect; to divert; to turn (off); to branch (off); to diverge |
Abbild n (-er) image, likeness; idol (for worship); reflection, copy; picture; portrait |
abbilden vr sep
to copy, represent, figure; to portray, illustrate, picture, form; delineate; to describe; nach dem Leben a. - to draw from life
abbildstheoretisch |
Abbildstheorie f |
Abbildtheorie f picture, copy, or representation theory; image theory |
Abbildung f (-en) illustration; diagram; image, figure; picture;, portrait, portraiture; representation, depiction; reproduction, copy; Ling: mapping |
abbinden vi sep to take off, untie |
Abbitte f (-n)
apology; deprecation; asking or begging for pardon; A. tun, A. leisten to make or offer an apology |
abbitten vi sep to apologize; to ask or beg pardon for; to ask for forgiveness; to deprecate; to seek to avert, turn away, ward off (evil/harm through prayer, etc) |
abblasen vi sep hist: (the custom of having the hours announced by the waits) |
abblättern vr sep to flake off; to scale off |
abblenden vr sep to dim; to turn down; to screen (light) |
abborgen vr sep to borrow from |
Abbott m
father superior, abbot (also title of a bishop) |
abbrechen vi sep to break off, snap; to demolish, dismantle; to pull down; to interrupt, discontinue; to stop (short) |
abbrennen vi sep to burn (down or off) |
Abbreviation f (-en) abbreviation; abridging; abridg(e)ment |
abbreviativ adj abbreviative |
abbreviative adj abbreviative |
Abbreviator m (-en) abridger (of documents, etc); abbreviator (high officer at the papel court who is the drafter of papal documents) |
Abbreviatur f (-en) abbreviation; abridging; abridg(e)ment |
Abbreviatursprache |
abbreviieren vr sep to abbreviate, shorten a word with a sign or symbol; to abridge |
abbringen vi sep to get (off or away); to dissuade or divert (a person from something) |
a-b-c-dieren vr (to designate the musical notes by their note names and not by solmization syllables) |
Abd abr
Obadja, Abdias - Obadiah
abdecken vr sep to uncover |
abdichten vr sep to caulk; to make tight |
Abdr. abr Abdruck(e) |
Abdreheisen n (-) Archaeol: finishing tool |
abdrehen vr sep Archaeol: to turn |
Abdrehschlinge f (-n) Archaeol: scrapper |
abduktiv adj abductive; Phil: abduktiver Schluß - abductive inference |
Abduktivismus m abductivism |
Abed-Nego m Abed-nego |
Abel m Abel |
Abend m (-e) evening, night; Klavier A. - piano concert or recital |
Abendandacht f (-en)
evening devotion or meditation; evening service, vespers; evening prayer; Mus: evensong
Abendessen n (-)
evening meal, supper, dinner |
Abendgebet n (-e) evening prayer, bedtime prayer; vespers; evening devotion; Mus: evensong |
Abendgeläut n vesper bell |
Abendglocke f (-n) evening bell; vesper bell; hist: curfew |
Abendgottesdienst m (-e)
evening service, vespers, mass
Abendl. abr Abendland |
Abendland n
Occident, European; the West, western world |
abendländisch Occidental, European; Western; abendländische Philosophie - Western, Occidental Philosophy |
Abendläuten n evening bells |
abendld. abr abendländisch |
Abendmahl n
1. see Abendessen; 2. Lord's Supper, (Holy) Communion; Eucharist; Last Supper (Christ); A. austeilen/geben/reichen - to administer the Lord's Supper/Communion/Eucharist; A. empfangen - to receive, take the Lord's Supper/Communion/Eucharist; A. in beiderlei Gestalt - communion or eucharist in both kinds (bread or host and wine; paten and chalice)
Abendmahlsbrot n communion bread; consecreted or sacramental bread or wafer; altar bread; Host, eucharistic host |
Abendmahlsgänger m (-) communicant |
Abendmahlsgast m (-"e) communicant |
Abendmahlsgemeinschaft f full communion; open communion; intercommunion |
Abendmahlsgottesdienst m (-e) Communion service |
Abendmahlshelfer m |
Abendmahlskelch m (-e) (communion) cup, chalice |
Abendmahlslehre f sacrament dogma |
Abendmahlspfennig m |
Abendmahlsprobe f |
Abendmahlsstreit m Ch Hist: controversy about the sacraments of the Lord's Supper or the dogma of transubstantiation (Sakramentenstreit) |
Abendmahlstisch m (-e) communion table |
Abendmahlswein m Communion wine |
Abendmesse f (-n)
evening mass; evening eucharisty
Abendopfer n (-) evening sacrifice |
abends adv evenings, in the evening; every evening; evening hours; Poet: at eventide or eve |
Abendsmahlsbuch n (-"er) |
Abendstern m (-e) evening star; Lucifer |
Abendzeit f evening |
Abenmusik f evening church concerts; (evening) serenade |
abergläubig archaic: superstitious, bigot, bigotted; adv superstitiously; Mod Grm: abergläubisch |
abergläubisch superstitious, bigot, bigotted; adv superstitiously |
Abergunst f |
aberkennen vi to deny, deprive, or dispossess someone; to disentitle to someone |
abermals adv
again, once more, anew |
abernten to reap, harvest, gather |
Abf. abr Abfassung |
abfahren vi to depart, set off |
Abfall m (-"e)
slope, descent, declivity, scarp; decline, decrease, drop; falling away, defection, desertion; waste, rubbish, scraps, trash; Lit: decline, anticlimax; Glaubensabfall (sg) - apostasy; backsliding; secession
abfallen vi sep
to fall off, drop (off); to decrease; to fall behind, compare badly with; to descent, slope (down), drop; to brake away, fall away, desert; to apostatize; to rebel; to come off as a by-product
abfällig adj, adv
sloping, shelving; critical, adverse, negative, unfavourable, derogatory, disparaging, depreciatory (remarks, opinions, etc);
disloyal, rebellious;
a. bescheiden - to give an unfavourable answer; vom Glauben a. werden to apostatize, turn apostate, commit apostasy
Abfassung f (-en) composition; drawing up; phrasing; drafting, wording |
abfertigen vr sep to send away; to dispatch |
abfinden vi sep to compensate (für - for); to pay off; to satisfy; sich mit jemand a. - to come to terms with someone |
Abfolge f (-n) succession; sequence; order |
Abfragesprache f query language |
abfressen vi sep to graze on, to strip or eat bare, to consume |
Abfuhr f discharge |
abführen vr sep to lead away; to mislead |
Abführung f (-en) arrest; removal; transfer, payment |
abg. abr abgeändert; abgefaßt; abgekürzt |
Abg. abr Abgabe; Abgang |
Abgabe f (-n) giving off; tax; duty, trubute |
abgabepflichtig adj liable or subject to tax or duties; assessable; taxable |
abgeben vi sep to give (up); to hand over; to hand in; to provide; to deliver; to dispose of |
abgedr. abr abgedruckt |
abgef. abr abgefaßt |
abgeg. abr abgegangen; abgegeben |
abgehen vi sep to go off, go away; to depart; to leave; to change, depart, deviate, digress from (idea, theme, etc.); missing, lacking, wanting; to drop |
abgek. abr abgekürzt |
abgeleitetes Wissen inferred, inferential, mediate, or derived knowledge |
abgeneigt pp, adj disinclined; opposed to; averse; be ill-disposed (toward someone) |
Abgesandte m (-n) emissary, envoy; delegate; messenger; ambassador |
Abgesang m (-"e) |
abgeschieden pp, adj separated; departed, deceaced, dead; solitary, secluded, retired |
Abgeschiedene f, m (-n) the deceased, dead, departed; the secluded; the disposted; NT: the divorced women |
Abgeschiedenheit f seclusion; retirement |
abgeschl. abr abgeschloßen |
abgeschlossen pp closed; complete; abgeschlossenes System - self-contained, closed system |
abgeschlossene Sinnbereiche pl finite provinces (of sense/meaning) (Schütz) |
Abgeschlossenheitsrelation f closure or completeness relation; closure operation |
abgesehen pp apart or aside (von - from); except for |
abgesondert adj separate(ly) |
abgesplittert pp chipped |
abgestimmt pp of definite pitch, pitced; aufeinander a. - tuned, pitched in succession |
abgestoßen pp, adj cast or shed off; Mus: detached, staccato |
abgewinnen vi sep to gain; to win; to earn |
Abglanz m reflection, reflected glory or splendor |
Abgott m (-"er) idol; zum A. machen - to idolize (a person) |
Abgottanbeter m (-) idolater, worshiper of idols |
Abgötterei f idolatry; idolization; A. treiben - to practice idolatry; to worship idols; |
abgöttisch adj idolatrous; worshiping idols |
abgrenzen vr sep
to delimit, differentiate (gegen/von -- from)
Abgrenzung f (-en) demarcation; definition; delimitation |
Abgrenzungskriterium n demarcation criterion, criterion of demarcation |
Abgrund m (-"e) precpice; abyss; chasm; gulf; bibl: bottemless pit; abyss; Psych: (pl) depth of (the soul) |
Abgunst f envy; jealousy; ill-will; spite |
Abguß m (-"e) cast; copy; paste |
abh. abr abhängen; abhängig |
Abh. abr Abhandlung(en) |
Abhall m decay |
abhalten vi
to keep; to conduct |
Abhandlung f (-en) essay, treatise, dissertation, paper (über - about, on); proceedings, transactions (pl) (of a learned society); tract; tractate (as any of the books of the Tamud); discussion |
Abhang m (-"e) slope |
abhängen vi sep
to depend (von -- on, upon); to detach; to hang up
abhängig adj dependent (von - on), subject (von - to); inclined; sloping |
Abhängigkeit f (-en)
dependence, dependency (von -- on) |
Abhängigkeitsgefühl n (-"e) emotional dependence |
Abhängigkeitsstruktur f dependence-structure |
Abhängigkeitssystem n dependence-system, system of dependences |
Abhängigkeitsverhältnis n dependence-relation, relation of dependence or dependency |
abhauen vi sep to cut or chop (off or down); to cut down; to beat it; to be off |
abheben vi sep to cut or chop (off or down); to beat it; to be off |
abhelfen vi sep
(einer Sache - a thing) to help, to remedy, to redress, to correct
Abhn. abr Abhandlungen |
abholen vr sep to fetch, pick up; to collect; to receive; to come for |
Abib m Abib (month) |
ABIEKD abr-t Amtsblatt der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland |
Abigajil f Abigail |
Abimelech m Abimelech |
Abiogense f abiogenesis, spontaneous generation |
abirren vi sep to err; to go astray; to lose one's way; to deviate (von - from) |
Abischai m Abishai (brother of Joab) |
Abjunktion f abjunction |
abk. abr abkürzen |
Abk. abr Abkürzung(en) |
Abkehr f act of turning away; withdrawing; renunciation; alienation; estrangement; backsliding; die Abkehr von Gott - estrangement from God |
abkehren vr sep jemand etwas abkaufen - to buy or purchase something from someone |
abknicken vr sep to wring off (gen.) to snap off, to crack off, to bend off |
Abkömmling m (-e) descendant |
abkürzen vr sep to shorten; to abridge; to abbreviate, to lessen, curtail, condense; to be a short cut |
abl. abr ableiten |
Abl. abr Ablativ; Ablauf; Ablaut; Ableitung; Ablagerung(en) |
ablassen vi sep to cease; to end; to let go; to drain, empty; to decant; to tap; to leave off |
Ablaß m shut-off, outflow; drainage; ohne A. - without ceasing, continuously, incessantly; Ch Hist: indulgence; remission, pardon; vollkommener A. - plenary indulgence; unvollkommener A. - partial indulgence |
Ablaßbrief m (-e) letter of indulgence; bull of indulgence |
Ablaßerteilung f dispensation of an indulgance |
Ablaßgebet n prayer for an indulgence |
Ablaßgeld n (-er) pay or fee for an indulgence(letter), shrove money |
Ablaßgraben m (-") Archaeol: drain, drainage ditch or trench |
Ablaßhandel m selling or sale of indulgences |
Ablaßhändler m (-) seller of indulgence, pardoner |
Ablaßjahr n jubilee (during which indulgences are promoted) |
Ablaßkirche f (-n) station |
Ablaßkrämer m (-) seller of indugences; pardoner |
Ablaßpfennig m 1. coin (medal - with the effigy of a saint) blessed by the Pope; 2. a coin (money, fee) paid for an indulgence |
Ablaßprediger m (-er) preacher and seller of indulgences |
Ablaßwoche f week of Corpus Chrisi |
Ablaßzettel m (-) paper or letter of indulgence |
Ablauf m (-"e)
course (of history, time, etc); development; termination; outlet; expiration; nach A. eines Jahres - at the end of a year
ablaufen vi to run, go off; to take place |
Ablaufplan m operations plan |
Ablaufplanung f scheduling operations planning |
ablegen to lay down/aside, give up
ablehnen vr sep
to refuse, turn down; to reject, decline; to repudiate
Ableitbarkeit f inferability, deductibility, derivability |
Ableitbarkeitsbeziehung f derivability relation |
Ableitbarkeitsfrage f question of derivability |
ableiten vi sep
to derive, deduce, infer (von/aus -- from); to divert; to trace back; to escape; to lead away; to mislead; to drain; to deflect
Ableitung f deduction; derivation, derivative |
Ableitungskompleität f derivational complexity |
Ableitungsregel f inference rule, rule of derivation |
Ableitungsverhältnis n relation of derivability |
ablesen to pick off, to read (map, etc.), to read off (speech) |
ableugnen to deny, to disavow, to disown, to repudiate, eine Tatsache ableugnen - to deny a fact; ableugnen, etwas getan zu haben - to deny having done something |
ablösen vr sep
to take off, remove, detach; to take the place of, supersede
Ablösung f (-en) change, relief |
ablutio Lat: washing, cleansing; baptism |
Ablution f (-en) washing, ablution |
Abmachung f (-en) agreement, stipulation, arrangement, contract |
abmessen vi sep to measure; to estimate |
abmühen vr sep to labor; to strike hard; to sweat and strain |
abnagen vr sep to gnaw off |
Abnahme f (-n) taking off or down; diminution; decline; decrease; shrinkage; shortening; die Abnahme vom Kreuze - the descent from the cross |
abnehmen vi sep
to take away or off, remove; to decrease, diminish; to examine; to decline; to wane; Beichte a. - hear a confession
Abneigung f antipathy; aversion |
Abner m Abner |
abnormal, degenerate |
abnötigen vr sep to command, compel; to force, extort (a confession, etc. from someone) |
abnutzen vr sep to wear out; fray; to wear (out); (refl) to get worn out, to be subject to wear |
abordnen vr sep to delegate; to depute; to deputize; to appoint |
abplagen vr sep, refl to exhaust oneself, tire oneself out; to struggle or toil (mit - an) |
ABR abbr
Journal of Bible and Religion. Boston, Mass. |
Abraham m Abraham; in Abrahams Schoß sein - to be in the bosom of Abraham |
Abrahamit m (-en) Abrahamite (member of a Bohemian sect in the 18th cent. A.D.) |
abreagieren vr sep to abreact |
Abreaktion f abreaction |
abrechnen vi sep to deduct, subtract, discount; to account for; to allow for; to settle accounts |
abreiben vi sep to rub off; to grate (off); to wear (off, smooth, or away) |
abreisen vr sep to depart, leave, set out; to start (nach - for) |
abreißen vi sep to break away, to tear off; to tear, to pull off, to pull down, to demolish |
abreißen vi sep to break away, to tear off; to tear, to pull off, to pull down, to demolish |
abrenuntiatio Lat: absolute renunciation (of evil, Satan, etc) |
Abreption f abreption |
abrichten Phil: to train |
Abrichtung f training, drill; conditioned reflex |
abrupfen vr sep to pluck out; to pluck off; to crop; to fleece |
Abs. abr Absatz - paragraph; Absender; Absender |
ABS No information yet. |
Abs No information yet. |
Absage f (-n) cancelation; calling off; refusal, decline; repudiation, renunciation |
absagen vr sep to cancel, call off; to renounce, abjure, turn away; to refuse; to decline |
Absalom m Absalom |
Absatz m (-"e) (new) paragraph; pause; step, landing (on a staircase) |
abschaben to pare; to trim; to scrape off |
abschaffen vi sep to abolish; to discontinue; to do away with; to give up (keeping), get rid of (thing) |
abschälen vr sep to peel (off) |
to appraise, assess |
Abschaum m scum, dregs |
abscheiden vi to separate; to isolate; to depart, part from, die (peacefully) |
Abscheiden n departure; dying |
Abscheidung f parting; separation; death |
abscheren to shear, cut, or shave off |
Abscheu m abhorrence (vor - of); disgust (for - against); aversion (to, for, from); distaste; Abscheu haben vor - to abhor, to detest |
abscheulich adj disgusting, revolting, repulsive; abominable, horrible, dreadful, detestable; shocking; nasty |
Abschied m (-e) parting, departure, farewell; discharge, dismissal; leave, resignation; retirement; discharge |
Abschiedlichkeit f abschiedlichkeit; readiness to depart |
Abschiedsrede f (-n) farewell speech |
abschinden vi sep to flay, skin; (fig) to slave, to toil; to drudge |
Abschirmeffekt m screening-off effect |
abschl. abr abschlagen; abschließen; abschließend |
Abschl. abr Abschluß; Abschlag |
abschlagen vi sep to knock off; to chip; to strike; to decline; to fall off, to abate |
Abschlaggerät n (-e) flake tool |
abschleppen vr sep to drag or haul off; to struggle under a load |
abschließen vi sep
to lock (up), close; to conclude; to end, finish, complete; to isolate, cut off, to settle; to terminate
abschließend adj, adv definite, definitive; concluding, final(ly); in conclusion |
Abschluß m (-"e) closing, close; winding up ; termination; settlement; end(ing); completion; zum A. bringen - to end, finish, settle, terminate (something) |
Abschn. abr Abschnitt |
abschneiden vi sep to cut (off); to cut down, shorten; to intercept; to amputate; Ling: to drop |
Abschnitt m (-e)
passage, section, paragraph; phase, stage, period (time, age, etc); segment; Mus: section; Lit: pause, rest, caesura
Abschnittsfolge f adjoining sequence, sequence of (initial/final) segments, sequence of partial sums |
abschrecken vr sep to scare away; to frighten off; to deter, discourage (a person from something) |
Abschreckungsfunktion f deterrent function |
Abschreiber m (-) copyist, transcriber; plagiarist |
Abschrift f (-en) copy, duplicate; transcript; likeness |
abschütteln vr sep to shake or throw off; to shake down, cast off |
abschwämmen Geol: to wash away or off, erode; Art, Archaeol: to rinse or sponge (off, down) |
abschwellen vr sep to decrease, subside, ebb or die (away) (in loudness, force, etc) |
abschwören vr sep to abjure, deny; to foreswear, renounce (faith, belief, faith) |
absehen vi sep to (for)see; to read (from); to learn from; to be aiming at; to anticipate; to conceive; to disregard; to refrain (from); abgesehen von/davon - besides, apart from |
Abseite f (-n) side room; back side; lateral vault or aisle of a church; vertical wall under a slanting roof |
abseits adv, prep (gen) aside from, on one side of; apart from (something) |
absenden vi sep to send (off); to dispatch, send out; to commission, delegate, depute; to remit |
absenken vr sep to lower, sink; to empty; Mus: to attenuate (the heights) |
absetzen vr sep to take off; to put down; to remove (from office); to dismiss or depose (a king or ruler); to start a new line; to set off or (against) contrast (with); Mus: to sing or play staccato, separale |
Absicht f (-en)
intent, intention, purpose, motive; object, aim, end; plan, scheme; in dieser H. - in this respect
absichtlich adj, adv intentional(ly), deliberate, willful(ly), on purpose |
Absichtlichkeit f intentionality; deliberateness; purposiveness |
Absichtserklärung f declaration or statement of intent |
absingen vi sep to sing through; to sing at sight; to sing from the score |
absol. abr absolut |
absolut adj, adv absolute(ly); perfect (love, beauty, etc); positive(ly); unconditioned; a. Kunst - abstract art; a. Wahrheit - absolute or gospel truth; Ling: a. Ablativ - ablative (case); a. Nominative - (absolute) nominative; Mus: a. Musik - absolute or pure music; a. Gehör - (sense of) absolute or perfect pitch; a. Tonhöhe - absolute pitch |
Absolute n the Absolute; die Behre vom Absoluten - absolutism; die Dialektik von Absolutem und Relativem - dialectic of the absolute and the relative |
absoluter Geist m absolute spirit |
absoluter Wert m absolute value or worth |
absolutes Bewußtsein n absolute consciousness |
absolutes Gehör n Mus: absolute or perfect pitch |
absolutes Gut n absolute good |
absolutes Ich n absolute ego, self, or I |
Absolutheitsanspruch m (-"e) claim to absoluteness |
absolutio Lat: pardon, absolution, acquittal |
Absolution f (-en) absolution; remission of sins; A. erteilen - to absolve, grant remission of sins, shrive (someone) |
Absolutismus m absolutism |
Absolutsphäre f absolute |
absolvieren to absolve; to complete, to pass (an examination) |
absondern vr sep to separate, divide, detach to isolate; (refl) to separate oneself; Phil: to abstract (concepts, etc.) |
Absonderung f separation; division; isolation; segregation (of people, etc) |
abspenstig adj alienate, disloyal, unfaithful; a. machen - to alienate, to estrange, to entice away (von - from) |
abspielen vr sep
to play (at sight, from the score); (refl) to happen, take place; to be enacted
Abspringen n jumping or leaping off; chipping or flaking off; baking out from, dropping (disscussion, topic, etc) |
abspülen vr sep to wash or rinse (off); to wash away, erode |
abstammen vr sep to stem, descend, or be descended from; come of; (fig) to come from; Ling: to come, derive from; to be derived from |
Abstammung f (-en) descent, lineage; ancestry, extraction, birth; origin, derivation; hohes A. - noble birth or descent |
Abstammungsgruppe f (-n) ancestral or descent group |
Abstammungslehre f theory of evolution or descent, descent theory |
Abstammungstheorie f theory of evolution or descent, descent theory |
Abstand m (-"e)
distance (away from); space; interval; (fig) aloofness, distance; difference; diversity
abstehen vi sep to desist or refrain (from); to relinquish; to renounce; to stand off or away from |
absteigen vi sep to decline, descend; to come down, go down; to get off, dismount; to stay (with or at) |
absteigend pr p, adj descending, descendant or descendent; downhill; downgrade |
absterben vi sep to die (off); to die out; to fade or with (away); to mortify; to become numb (der Sünde a. - to die to sin) |
Absterben n withering away |
Abstieg m (-e) descent; drop; going down, coming down; (fig) decline, descent, fall |
Abstinenz f abstinence, abstemiousness; temperance; fasting |
Abstinenzler m (-) (total) abstainer (from) |
abstoßen vi sep to push or knock off; to chip, break (something) off; (fig) to revolt, repel, disgust; to get rid of; Mus: to detach (notes); to sing or play staccato |
Abstoßung f Lat: repulsive force |
Abstoßungskraft f (-"e) Lat: repulsive force |
abstr. abr abstrakt |
Abstr. abr Abstraktion abstraction, summarization, deduction, derivation, generalization, theorization, conceptualization; Abstraktum abstract |
abstractio formalis f Lat: formal abstraction |
Abstractum n abstractum, (the) result of abstraction |
abstractum Lat: abstraction |
abstrakt adj, adv abstract(ly); non-figurative, non-representational; in the abstract; Phil: abstract; conceptual; empty; formal; pure; unintuitive |
Abstrakte n the abstract |
Abstraktheit f abstractedness, abstractness |
Abstraktion f abstraction |
Abstraktionismus m abstractionism |
Abstraktionsebene f (-n) level of abstraction |
Abstraktionsgrad m (-e) degree of abstraction |
Abstraktionsklasse f (-n) abstraction class |
Abstraktionsprozeß m process of abstraction |
Abstraktionsstufe f level of abstraction |
Abstraktionstheorie f abstraction theory |
Abstraktionsverfahren n method of abstraction |
Abstraktionsvermögen n faculty of abstraction, abstractive faculty/ability |
Abstraktor m abstraction, operator, abstractor |
Abstraktur f tracker action (organ) |
abstreifen vr sep to strip off; to take off or pull off; to deviate, wander (off) |
abstreiten vi sep to dispute |
Abstrich m (-e) Mus: downbow |
abstufen vr sep Mus: to graduate; to shade |
abstumpfen vr sep to blunt, take the edge off; (fig) to dull or blunt (the senses, etc); to harden (someone) |
absurd adj absurd |
Absurde n the absurd; Philosophie des A. - Philosophy of the Absurd |
Absurdität f absurdity; A. des menschlichen Daseins - absurdity of the human condition |
Abt. abr Abteilung(en) - section; dividing off; Abtei |
Abt m (-"e) abbot |
abt No information yet. |
Abtei f (-n) abbey |
abteilich abbatial |
Abteilung f (-en) division, separation; department, section; class, rubric, category; Theologische A. - Department of Theology |
Äbtin f (-nen) abbess |
Äbtissin f (-nen) abbess |
ABTL abr Allgemeine Bibliothek der neuesten deutschen theologischen Literatur |
Abtlg. abr Abteilung(en) |
äbtlich abbatial |
abtöten vr sep to kill; to deaden; to mortify (the flesh, etc) |
Abtötung f mortification |
abtragen vi sep to carry or take (something) off or away; |
Abtreibungsbefürworter m pro-choice advocate or supporter |
Abtreibungsgegner m (-) anti-abortionist; pro-life activist |
abtrennen vr sep to separate; divide (off); to detach, cut off, to partition |
Abtrennungsregel f (-n) rule of detachment |
abtreten |
Abtretung f (-en) cession; abdication; surrender |
abtrocknen vr sep to wipe (dry), dry (off), to dry (up) |
Abtropfsieb n (-e) Archaeol: colander |
abtrünnig adj apostate; unfaithful, disloyal; renegade; recreant; false, rebellious; a. werden - to apostatize, renounce or abandon one´s faith; to become a rebel, revolt |
Abtrünnige m (-n) apostate; renegade, deserter; turncoat; secessionist |
Abtrünnigkeit f apostasy; disloyalty; desertion; unfaithfulness |
aburteilen vr sep to try someone or a case; to bring someone to trial, to (pass) sentence; to condemn |
abwälzen vr sep to roll off or away, to shift; to throw onto |
abwandeln vr sep to alter, change, vary, modify; to inflict (verb, music, etc) |
abwarten vr sep to wait (for), await |
down downward; downhill
abwaschen vi sep to wash away (sin etc); to cleanse by washing |
Abwaschung f (-en) washing (-up); ablution, purification |
Abwashchung f (-en) washing (-up); ablution; purification |
Abwechslung f (-en) alternation |
Abweg m (-e) wrong way; detour; auf Abwege - to go astray; to be on the wrong track; to be mistaken |
abwegig misleading; devious; erroneous; wrong, false (idea, belief); irrelevant, besides the point; far-fetched; out of place |
Abwehr f defense; resistence; guard, protection; repelling |
Abwehremechanismus m defense mechanism |
abwehren vr sep to beat back; to repulse; to ward off, avert; to head off; to block; to reject, refuse |
abweichen vi sep
to differ; to dissent; to vary; deviate, depart, stray, wander, digress, diverge (von - from); transgress
Abweichung f deviance |
abweisen vi
to reject, refuse, dismiss, set aside; to deny; to send/turn away |
abwenden vi, vr sep
to turn away or aside; to desert; to avert, prevent, ward or head off; to divert;
to lose interest in; to estrange, alienate, withdraw; to draw away from; to turn one´s back (from the world, truth, friends, etc)
abwendig alienated; unfaithful, disloyal; abwendig machen - to alienate, estrange; to entice away (from) |
Abwendung f estrangement, alienation; prevention (danger), problem, to ban, forbid |
abwerfen vi sep to throw, cast off, to yield, produce (profit, favor, etc.) |
Abwertung f (-en) devaluation; downward adjustment; derogation, depreciation (idea, person, etc.) |
abwesend absent |
Abwesenheit f absence |
abwischen vi sep to wipe off or away; to clean |
abzählbar countable; denumerable; innumerable |
abzählen vr sep to count (mp); to count off (or out) |
abzäumen vr sep to unbridle |
abziehen vi sep to take off, remove; to retire; to retreat; to withdraw; to depart; to skin, to peel; to deduct |
abzielen (auf) to aim (auf-at); to be intended, designated, or meant (to, for) |
abzirkeln vr sep to measure of mark with compasses; (fig) to weigh |
Abzug m (-"e) deduction, subtraction; retreat, withdrawal; decampment; vent, outlet; channel, conduit; Lit, Art: proof, pull, galley (proof); offset, transfer; copy; print, positive; Mus: flue; scordatura |
abzwecken to aim at something; to have something in view |
Abzweckung f intention; objective |
a.C. abr Lat: ante Christum vor Christo/Christus, vor Christi Geburt (B.C.) |
a-cappella a cappella; unaccompanied; a-cappella-Chormusik - unaccompanied choral music |
Acc. abr Accusativ |
acceptation Lat: acceptation (as an act of grace and mercy) |
acceptilatio Lat: acceptation (with a legal connotation) |
acceptio personarum Lat: partiality towards persons (with reference to God in dealing with sin, dispensation, etc) |
accompagnieren archaic: to accompany |
Accord m (-e) chord; zufällige A. - accidental chords |
ach oh! ah! |
a.Chr. abr Lat: ante Christum vor Christi/Christus - B.C. |
a.Chr.n. abr Lat: ante Christum natum vor Christi Geburt - B.C. |
Achse f (-n) Hist: axis; axle; axis under |
Achsel f (-n) shoulder; Arch: haunch |
achsenförmig adj in axial form |
Achsenzeit f axial or pivotal age (in history); time of crisis and change in world history or of a new age |
achsial adj axial |
achsig adj axial |
acht eight |
Acht f outlawry; attention, heed; Acht und Bann - excommunication; ostracism; in die Acht verfallen - to be outlawed; aus auber Acht lassen - disregard, to pay no attention to |
achten to respect, show respect for; to regard |
ächten to outlaw, proscribe, banish, to ostracize; geächtet und gebannt - outlawed and excommunicated |
achtfacher Pfad m eight fold way (Buddhism) |
achtgeben vi sep to watch carefully; to pay attention, regard, to give heed; to take care |
achthaben No information yet. |
achtsam attentive; respect, esteem, regard |
Achtsamkeit f mindfulness, heedfulness |
achtteiliger Pfad m mindfulness, heedfulness |
Achtung f attention; respect, esteem, regard |
Acker m (-, -") field; farmland, arable land; ground; soil; hist: acre (of land) |
Ackerbau m agriculture; Bibl: farming |
Ackerleute f farmers; husbandmen |
Ackermann m farmer; bibl: husbandman |
ackern to till, plow |
acroamaticus Lat: with reference or pertaining to higher things, of higher things (Theology, etc) |
actio Lat: action, activity |
actio et passio f Lat: action and passion |
actio et reactio f Lat: action and reaction |
actio immanens f Lat: immanent action or activity |
ActThom abr Thomasakten |
actus primus Lat: primary actuality |
actus purus m pure act(uality) |
A.D. abr Lat: anno Domini im Jahre des Herrn; nach Christi/Christus - A.D. |
aD abr Lat: anno Domini im Jahre des Herrn; nach Christi/Christus - A.D. |
AD abr Lat: anno Domini im Jahre des Herrn; nach Christi/Christus - A.D. |
adaequatio intellectus et rei correspondence of the mind (intellect, thinking) and reality |
Adam m Adam |
Adamianer m Adamite |
Adamit m (-en) Adamite; Lit: (pl) human beings; sons of men |
Adaptabilität f adaptability |
Adaptation f adaption, adaptation; accommodation; adjustment |
Adaption f adaption, adaptation; accommodation; adjustment |
adaptiv adaptive |
Adäquanz f adequacy |
Adäquanzbedingung f adequacy condition |
adäquat adj adequate |
adäquate Ursache f adequate case; Lat: causa adaequata |
Adäquatheit f adequacy |
Adäquatheitsbedingung f (-en) condition(s) of adequacy |
Add. abr Lat: addendum, addenda Zusatz. Additamentum |
Additionstheorem n addition theorem |
additiv additive |
Additivitätsproblem n additivity problem |
Addivität f addivity |
Adel m nobility; aristocrats; der A. geistige - the intellectual elite |
Adept m adept |
adessentia f omnipresence; Lat: (the) God |
ad fin. abr Lat: ad finem bis zum Ende |
ad gen. abr Lat: ad generalia im Allgemeinen |
ad h.l. abr Lat: ad hunc locum an diese Stelle |
ad hominem Lat: against the person; a. h. argument - a direct (often inflammatory) attack of an individual (on his character, personality, or appearance) |
Adiaphora (pl) adiaphora; matter of indifference; morality neutial; amoral |
ad. inf. abr Lat: ad infinitum bis ins unendliche, unaufhörlich
ad init. abr Lat: ad initium von Anfang an |
ad int. abr Lat:ad interim inzwischen |
ad intra Lat: inward, toward the inside; internal |
adj. abr adjektivisch |
Adj. abr Adjektiv |
Adjazenz f adjacency |
adjekt. abr adjektivisch |
Adjunktion f adjunction |
Adler m (-) eagle |
Adlerfeder f (-n) eagle's feather |
Adlerflügel f eagle's wings |
ad lib. abr Lat: ad libitum nach Belieben |
ad libit. abr Lat: ad libitum nach Belieben |
ad lit. abr Lat: ad literam wörtlich |
ad loc. abr Lat: ad locum an der (zitierten) Stelle |
ado. abr adagio |
Adonija m Adonijah |
ad ref. abr Lat: ad referendum zum Bericht, zur Berichterstattung |
ad rem Lat: regarding the thing or matter at hand |
Adria f the Adria, Adriatic Sea |
ad sep. abr Lat: ad separatum für sich, getrennt |
A.d.Ü. abr Anmerkung des Übersetzers |
adv. abr adverbial, adverbiell; adversativ, adversus |
Adv. abr Advent; Adverb; adversus |
Advaita n non-duality |
adv.Best. abr adverbiale Bestimmung |
Advent m (sg) Advent; advent; coming of the Christ or Messiah |
Adventfasten n Advent fast |
Adventismus m Adventism |
Adventist m (-en) Adventist; Millerite; Second Adventist; Seventh-day Adventist |
Adventsonntag m (-e) Sunday in Advent |
Adventssonntag m (-e) Sunday in Advent |
Adventszeit f advent, advent season |
advocatus diaboli m Lat: devil's advocate |
advocatus diaboli Lat: (the) devil\'s advocate |
advokatorisch adj advocatory |
advs. abr adversativ; Lat:adversus gegen |
A.d.W. abr Akademie der Wissenschaften |
AEF abbr |
AegEv abr ägypter-Evangelium |
Aeneolithikum n Eneolithic, Copper Age |
aengl. abr altenglisch |
aeternitas Lat: eternity; e. Dei - eternity of God |
aeth. abr äthiopisch |
ÄF abbr
Ägyptologische Forschungen. Glückstadt |
Affe m (-n) ape; monkey |
affectio animi Lat: affection or desire of the soul |
Affekt m emotion; affect; affection; passion |
Affektambivalenz f affect ambivalence |
Affektenlehre f theory of affections; theory of affects; doctrine of emotional expression |
Affektentheorie f
theory of affections; doctrine of emotional expression |
Affekthandlung f (-en) act(s) committed under the influence of emotion or passion |
Affektion f affection, affectedness |
Affenmensch m ape-man |
Afferenz-Efferenz f afference-efference |
Affinität f affinity; die A. des Mannigfaltigen - affinity of manifold |
Affirmation f affirmation |
affirmativ adj affirmative |
AFMF abbr
Arbeiten zur Frühmittelalterforschung. Berlin |
a fortiori Lat: therefore, according to the stronger (argument, evidence) |
Äg. abr Ägypten; Ägypter |
äg. abr ägyptisch |
Agape f agape |
Agapismus m agapism |
agathon n Lat: the good |
Agende f (-en) agenda; book of liturgy (order of the Lutheran church service); ritual |
Agens n agent, agens |
agerm. abr altgermanisch |
ÄgEv abr Ägypterevangelium |
Agg abr
Haggai, Aggäus - Haggai
Aggäus (Prophet, Book of) Haggai |
Aggregat n aggregate; das A. der Erscheinungen - aggregate of appearances |
Aggression f aggression; verdrängte A. - displaced aggression |
Aggressionsneigung f inclination to aggression |
Aggressionsverhalten n aggressive behavior |
Aggressivität f aggressivity, aggressiveness |
Aggressor m (-en) aggressor |
Agieren n acting out |
Agitproptheater n agitprop theater |
AGK abbr Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Kirchenkampfes. Göttingen | abr am gleichen Ort |
Agm. abr Arbeitsgemeinschaft |
Agnosie f Gr: agnosia, ignorance, state of not knowing |
Agnostiker m agnostic |
agnostisch adj agnostic |
Agnostizismus m agnosticism |
agnus dei Lat: das Lamm Gottes - the Lamb of God, holy Lamb |
agogisch agogic |
Agon m agon; game; contest |
AGP abbr Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Pietismus. Witten |
agr. abr altgriechisch |
Agrargesellschaft f agrarian society |
Agressionskrieg m war of aggression |
ags. abr angelsächsisch |
AGSU abbr Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Spätjudentums und Urchristentums. Leiden |
AGTL abbr Arbeiten zur Geschichte und Theologie des Luthertums. Berlin |
ÄgU abbr
Ägyptische Urkunden aus den (k.) staatlichen Museen zu Berlin. Berlin |
ägypt. abr ägyptisch |
Ägypten n
Ägypter m (-) Egyptian |
Ägypterin f (-nen) (female) Egyptian |
ägyptisch adj Egyptian |
ahd. abr althochdeutsch |
ähelen to bear a likeness to , to look like, to resemble |
Ahg. abr Anhang; Anhänger |
ahistorisch adj ahistorical |
a.h.l. abr Lat: ad hunc locum - an dieser Stelle - at this place, here |
Ahne m (-n) ancestor; predecessor |
to anticipate, forebode; to suspect, surmise; to foresee; to realize |
Ahnen n presentiment |
Ahnenbild n (-er) picture of an ancestor |
Ahnenerbe n ancestral heritage |
Ahnenkult m ancestor worship |
Ahnenreihe f line of ancestors |
Ahnenverehrung f ancestor worship |
Ahnherr m (first) ancestor |
ähnl. abr ähnlich |
ähnlich adv
like, similar |
Ähnlichkeit f similarity |
Ähre f (-n) ear (of grain) |
Ährenlesen n gleaning |
A.H.S. abr Lat: anno humanae salutatis im Jahr des menschlichen Heils |
AITB abbr
Allgemeine theologische Bibliothek. Mitau |
Aitiologie f aetiology |
AJES SIG American Journal of Economics and Sociology. New York |
AJHQ SIG American Jewish Historical Quarterly. New York |
AJP SIG American Journal of Philology. Baltimore |
AJPA SIG American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Philadelphia |
AJPh SIG The American Journal of Philology. Baltimore |
AJS SIG American Journal of Sociology. Chicago |
AJSL SIG American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures. Chicago |
AJTh SIG American Journal of Theology. Divinity Faculty of the University of Chicago. Chicago |
ak abr altkatholisch |
akad. abr akademisch |
Akad. abr Akademie; Akademiker |
Akad.d.K. abr Akademie der Künste |
akademisch adj academic; die a. Welt - academia, academe, academic world |
Akademismus m academicism, academism |
Akatalepsie f acatalepsy, incomprehensibility |
AKathKR SIG Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht. Mainz |
akausal adj noncausal |
Akazie f (-n) acacia |
Akazienholz n acacia wood |
AKC SIG Allgemeine kirchliche Chronik. Altona |
Ak.d.Wiss. abr Akademie der Wissenschaften |
AKED SIG Allgemeines Kirchenblatt für das evangelische Deutschland. Stuttgart |
AKG SIG Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte. Berlin |
AKGB SIG Archiv für Kirchengeschichte von Böhmen-Mähren-Schlesien. Königstein |
AKGH SIG Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte Hamburgs. Hamburg |
akk. abr akkadisch (=Babylonisch-Assyrisch) |
Akk. abr Akkusativ |
akkad. abr akkadisch |
Akklamation f (-en) acclamation; cheering |
Akkolade f (-n) accolade, brace, bracket |
akkolieren to couple, join together side by side; Mus: to brace, bracket |
Akkordbenennung f Mus: chordal terminology |
Akkordbestimmung f Mus: chord analysis, harmonic analysis |
Akkordfolge f succession of chords |
Akkordzither f autoharp; chord zither |
AkKR SIG Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht. Mainz |
Akkulturation f (-en) acculturation |
AKM SIG Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Leipzig |
A.Konst abr (Pseud-) Apostolische Konstitution(en) |
Akosmismus m aconsmism |
akroamatisch m acroamatic; der a. Grundsatz - acromatic principle |
akt. abr aktivisch |
Akt. abr Aktion; Aktiv |
aktiv adj
active, energetic; effective; dynamic; quick
Aktivismus m activism |
Aktivität f activity |
Aktmaterie f act-material, act-matter |
Aktphänomenologie f phenomenology of the act, act-phenomenology |
Aktuale n the actual, that which is actual or real |
Aktualismus m actualism, actual idealism, topicalism |
Aktualitätsphilosophie f theory of actuality |
Aktualitätstheorie f theory of actuality |
aktualunendlich actual(ly) infinite |
Aktualwert m (-e) actual value |
aktuell adj
current, relevant, topical; modern, up-to-date, of the moment; existing (of the present)
Aktulisierung f actualization |
Aktutilitarismus m act utilitarianism |
AKuG SIG Archiv für Kulturgeschichte. Berlin |
akustisch acoustic |
Akuta f acuta (organ) |
akz. abr akzeptiert |
Akz. abr Akzent; Akzept; Akzeptant; Akzeptation; Akzeß; Akzession; Akzidenz |
Akzentschema n A. eines Wortes - accentual pattern |
akzentuieren to accent, stress; to accentuate, emphasize |
Akzentuierung f (-en) accentuation, stress; emphasis |
Akzentverschiebung f (-en) shift of accent or stress; Mus: change of beat |
Akzentzeichen n (-) grammatical accent, accent(uation) sign or mark; Mus: accent or stress mark |
Akzeptabilität f acceptability |
Akzeptabilitätsbedingungen pl conditions of acceptability, acceptability conditions |
Akzeptanz f acceptance, acceptancy |
Akzeptanz-Nutzen m acceptance-utility |
Akzidens n accident |
Akzidentalien pl accidents, accidentals |
Akzidentalismus m accidentalism |
Akzidentalität f accidentality |
akzidentell accidental; akzidentielle Aussage - accidental predication |
akzidentiell accidental; akzidentielle Aussage - accidental predication |
AKZs SIG Allgemeine kirchliche Zeitschrift. Elberfeld |
al. abr alemannisch; Lat: alias sonst |
alat. abr altlateinisch |
Albe f (-n) alb |
Albeitbarkeit f derivability |
Albigenser f (pl) Albigenses |
Albigenser-Kreuzzüge f (pl) crusades against the Albigenses |
ALBl SIG Allgemeines Literaturblatt |
Albumblatt n (-"er) albumblatt, album page; album piece (poem or instrumental composition for an album) |
Alchemie f alchemy |
Alchemist m (-en) alchemist |
alchemistisch adj alchemistic(al) |
Alchimismus m alchemism |
Aleatorik f aleatory |
al.ed. abr Lat: alia editione in einer anderen Ausgabe |
aleinseligmachend adj only time redeeming or saving (faith) church, etc. |
alem. abr alemannisch |
alergrößter adj greatest |
Aletheia f Phil: aletheia, disclosure; unconcealment; unhiddenness; disclosedness; discoveredness |
Alethianer see Zitterer |
Alethiologie f alethiology, alethology |
Alethologie f alethiology, alethology
alexandr. abr alexandrinisch |
Alexandriner f (pl) Alexandrians |
Alexandrinertum n merely derivative scholarship; remoteness from reality |
Alexandrismus m Alexandrianism |
ALGHJ SIG Arbeiten zur Literatur und Geschichte des hellenistischen Judentums. Leiden |
ALGM SIG Ausführliches Lexikon der griechischen und römischen Mythologie. Wilhelm H. Roscher, ed., Leipzig |
Alibi n (-s) alibi; excuse |
Alienation f alienation; derangement (of the mind) |
alienieren to alienate |
alimonia Lat: nourishment |
ALKGMA SIG Archiv für Literatur- und Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters. Berlin |
All n universe, cosmos, world; (oniter) spaces; Phil: the sum of things; (noun-prefix)universally, all; (as prefix of adv it is archaic and affects the meaning) |
All-Einheit f Phil: universal unity or oneness |
Allaussage f Phil: universal sentence or statement |
allbekannt adj well-known; universally known; common knowledge |
allda adv there, at the place; at that (very) spot |
all, entire, every; whole; each; any; everybody, everyone |
alleg. abr allegorisch |
Alleg. abr Allegorie(n) |
allegm. abr allgemein |
Allegorese f (-n) allegorical interpretation |
Allegorie f allegory |
allegorisch adj, adv
allegoric, allegorical(ly)
allein adj, adv, conj
alone, sole; single; only, merely; (conj) but
Alleinherrschaft f autocratic rule; (absolute) dictatorship |
alleinig adj, adv exclusive, sole, only; der a. Gott - the one and/or only God |
Alleinvertretungsanspruch m (-"e) claim to sole representation |
allemal adv always every time; in any case; indeed, certainly; however |
allenfalls adj
in any event; at most, at best; perhaps, possibly; if need be, if (really) necessary; (if) by chance
allenthalben adv everywhere; in every respect or way; on every account |
Allerbarmer m the All-merciful, God of mercy |
allerchristlichst adj most Christian |
allerdings adj, adv
though; however; indeed; certainly, to be sure
allererst adj, adv first of all |
allergeringst adj the very least |
allergewissest adv most surely |
allerh. abr allerhand; allerheiligst; allerhöchst |
Allerheiligen n All Saints' Day; Allhallows; Hallow; Hallowmas |
allerheiligst adj most holy (of all); die allerheitigste Jung frau or die Allerheilgste - the Blessed Virgin; der allerheiligste Vater - the Holy Father; the Pope |
Allerheiligste n Jew, Bibl: the sanctuary, holy of Holies; sanctum santorum; Hist: adytum or adylon; Rom Cath: the Most Blessed Sacrament; the Host; the Holy of Holies |
allerhöchst adj highest of all; the most High; (Almighty); der allerhöchste Gott - the Most High God |
Allerhöchste m (of) God; the Supreme |
allerlei adj
all sorts or kinds of, various; all manner of; diverse
allerliebst adj, adv dearest (all all); (most) delightful; most gladly |
allermeist adj, adv most of all; especially, chiefly; mostly; for the most part |
allerschönst the most beautiful or perfect in beauty; of perfect beauty |
Allerseelen All Souls' Day |
allerverachtetst adj most despised |
everything, everybody, all
allesamt adv all together; all of them; to a man; one and all |
allezeit adv always, at all times |
allg. abr allgemein - generally |
Allg. abr Allgemeinheit |
Allgeber m God, Giver of all |
Allgegenwart f omnipresence; ubiquity; die A. Gottes - the omnipresence of God; die A. des Seins - the omnipresence of being |
omnipresent; ubiquitous
Allgeist m Phil: universal spirit |
allgemein No information yet. |
Allgemeinbegriff m (-e) universal concept; universal or general term, notion, or idea; (pl) common notions; Lat: notiones communes |
Allgemeinbildung f all-round or general education |
Allgemeine No information yet. |
allgemeines Naturgesetz n universal law of nature |
Allgemeine und das Besondere n the general or universal and the particular; allgemeine W. - univeral essence |
Allgemeingültigkeit f generality, universal or general validity |
Allgemeinheit f generality, universality; general public |
Allgemeinheit f universality |
Allgemeinheitsstufe f level or universality or generality |
Allgemeinverbindlichkeit f generality; universal or general validity |
Allgemeinwissen n general or common knowledge |
Allgemeinwohl n public good, interest, or welfare; general good; common wealth |
Allgötterei f pantheism |
allgütig adj all-bountiful; infinitely good |
Allgütigkeit f absolute goodness; omnibenevolence; all bountifulness |
Allheit f allness; the universal |
Allianz f (-en) alliance; die Evangelische A. - Evangelical Alliance |
allj. abr alljährlich |
Allmacht f
omnipotence; unlimited power; A. Gottes - omnipotence of God
allmächtig adj omnipotent, all mighty, all-powerful |
Allmächtige m the Almighty (God), God Almighty |
Allmächtigkeit f omnipotence; almightiness; A. Gottes - omnipotence of God |
Allmachtsgefühl n (-e) feeling of omnipotence |
Allmactswunsch m (-"e) desire or wish for omnipotence |
allmählich adj, adv
gradual(ly), progressive(ly); bit by bit, in time
Allmende f commonly owned (by a country, village, etc.) land or property |
Allmenge f Phil: universal set; universe |
Allokation f (-en) allocation |
Allopathie f allopathy |
Allquantor m universal quantifier |
Allsatz m universal proposition, statement, or sentence |
Allschönheit f pankalia, the all-beautiful |
allseitig adj universal(ly); many sided(ly); from every angle; comprehensive (knowledge, etc.) |
Allseitigkeit f universality of development |
Alltag m (-e)
ordinary (working) day; everyday life (routine); work-day
alltäglich adj daily, everyday; common, trivial, routine |
Alltäglichkeit f everydayness |
Alltagsbewußtsein n everyday consciousness |
Alltagsdenken n everyday thinking, common sense |
Alltagserfahrung f everyday or common experience |
Alltagserkenntnis f everyday or common-sense knowledge |
Alltagskommunikation f everyday communication |
Alltagskontext m (-e) everyday context |
Alltagsleben n everyday or ordinary life |
Alltagsobjekt n everyday object |
Alltagspraxis f everyday practice |
Alltagspsychologie f folk psychology |
Alltagssprache f everyday language, ordinary language |
Alltagswelt f workaday world |
Alltagsworte f (pl) household words |
allumfassend adj, pp all-embracing or comprehensive; all-inclusive; a. göttliche Einheit - all-inclusive divine unity; a. Göttliches - all-inclusive, divine |
allwaltend adj supreme, sovereign, or all-ruling |
Allweisheit f infinite wisdom |
allwissend adj omniscient, all-knowing |
Allwissenheit f omniscience; A. Gottes - omniscience of God |
Allzeitlichkeit f omnitemporality (Husserl) |
allzu adv
(much) too, all too, far too, over- ...
allzumal adv altogether; all at once |
Alm. abr Almanach; Almosen |
Almosen n (-) alms; charity; pittance, handout |
Almosenbüchse f (-n) alms or poor box |
Almosenempfänger m (-) beggar, pauper; receiver of alms, charity; almsman, almswoman |
Almosengeben n almsgiving |
Aloe f (-n) aloe |
alogisch alogical |
Alogon n Gr: alogon (that which is without reason, incapable of being expressed in words) |
alokative Gerechtigkeit f allocative justice |
alph. abr alphabetisch |
Alph. abr Alphabet |
Alphabetisierung f alphabetization |
als adv, conj
when; than; as, like; a. ob - that; as if
Als-Ob n Phil: as if |
als-ob-Gesetzmäßigkeit f Phil: as if regularity |
Als-Struktur f Phil: as if regularity |
alsbald adv forthwith, immediately, as soon as possible, thereupon |
alsdann adv
at that time, then, thereupon; after that, afterwards
also adj, conj
thus, so; therefore, consequently, hence
alt adj
old; aged; ancient; long-established; stale
alt. abr alternativ; alter(=andere) |
ält. abr ältere; älterer; älteres; älteste; älterstes; ältestes |
Alt m Mus: alto; coutertenor; contralto; seriöer A. - dramatic contralto |
Altapostel m (-) early apostle |
Altar m (-"e) altar; communion table; |
Altarbild n (-er) altarpiece, altar painting |
Altardiener m (-) acolyte |
Altarkelch m (-e) chalice |
Altarraum m (-"e) chancel; sanctuary |
Altarschelle f (-e) hand bell |
ält. Ausg. abr ältere Ausgabe |
altchr. abr altchristlich |
altd. abr altdeutsch |
altdt. abr altdeutsch |
Alter n
age, old age |
alter ego n Lat: alter ego, second self |
Altergenosse m (-n) person of same age; contemporary |
alterhaltend species preserving, preservative of the species |
Alterhaltung f preservation or survival of the species |
alterieren to alter, change; to vary; Mus: to inflect, alter |
alteriert pp altered, inflected |
Alterierung f Mus: alteration |
Alternation f alternation |
Alternativ n the alternative |
Alternativbewegung f alternative movement; counter-culture; sub-culture |
Alternative f alternative |
Alternativgesellschaft f alternative society |
Alternativhypothese f alternative hypothesis |
Alternativlösung f alternative solution |
Alternator m alternator |
alternieren to alternate |
alternierend adj, pr perf alternate; alternating; intermittent; accentual (Vers, etc); a. Sprachsetzungen - alternations |
Altersdifferenzierung f age differentiation |
Altersgruppe f (-en) age group |
Altersstruktur f age structure or pattern |
Altersunterschied m age differentiation |
Altertum n
ancient times, (classical) antiquity; early history
altertümlich adj ancient; of the ancient world; archaic, of olden times; antique; antiquated, old-fashioned |
alte Sprachen pl classical languages |
Älteste m (-n) elder; presbyter; oldest, eldest; earliest (literature, times, etc) |
Ältestenamt n eldership |
Ältestenrecht n right of primogeniture |
Ältester m (-n) elder |
altgläubig adj orthodox |
altgr. abr altgriechisch |
Althegelianer m Old Hegelian |
Altistin f (-nnen) alto (singer), contralto |
altk. abr altkatholisch |
altkath. abr altkatholisch |
Altkath. abr Altkatholiken |
Alt.kde abr Altertumskunde |
Altruismus m altruism |
altruistisch adj altruistic |
altspr. abr altsprachlich |
altsteinzeitlich adj paleolithic |
Altstimme f (-n) contralto voice |
Alttäufer m (-) (male) Mennonite |
Alttäuferin f (-nnen) (female) Mennonite |
alttest. abr alttestamentlich |
Alttestamentler m (-) OT scholar; professor of OT |
alttestamentlich adj
(of the) Old Testament
Altweiberfabel f (-n) fables fit only for old women |
AlVi SIG Albae vigiliae. Arbeiten aus dem Gebiet der allgemeinen Kulturwissenschaft, der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft und der Religionsgeschichte. Amsterdam |
ALZKD SIG Allgemeine Literaturzeitung zunächst für das katholische Deutschland. Wien |
Am abr Amos - Amos |
AmA SIG American Anthropologist. Menasha, Wis. |
amalekit. abr amalekitisch |
a maximis ad minima Lat: from the greatest to the least |
AMBI SIG Arbeiten aus dem Martin-Buber-Institut der Universität Köln. Köln |
ambig ambiguous |
Ambiguität f ambiguity |
Ambivalenz f ambivalence |
Ambo m ambo |
Amboß m (-"sse) anvil |
Ambr. SIG Ambrosius. Zeitschrift für Prediger. Donauwörth |
ambrosianisch adj Ambrosian |
Ambrosius Ambrose |
Ameise f (-n) ant |
Amen n Amen |
Amer. abr Amerika |
amerik. abr amerikanisch |
Amerikanistik f American studies |
Ametrie f ametry |
AMI abbr
Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran. Berlin |
Amischen the Amish |
Ammaßung f presumption; arrogance |
Amme f (-n) (wet) nurse, (children's) nurse, nanny |
Ammenmärchen n (-) fairy tale, old wife's tale |
AMMG SIG Abhandlungen aus Missionskunde und Missionsgeschichte. Aachen |
Ammoniter m (-) Ammon |
AMN SIG Allgemeine Missionsnachrichten. Hamburg |
Amnesie f amnesia |
Amnestie f amnesty |
AMNSU SIG Arbeiten und Mitteilungen aus dem neutestamentlichen Seminar zu Uppsala. Uppsala |
amor Lat: love; a. Dei - the love of God |
Amoral f amorality |
amoralisch amoral |
Amoralismus m amoralism |
Amoralität f amorality |
amor Dei Lat: the love of God |
amor fati m Lat: amor fati, willing acceptance or love of one's fate |
Amoriter m (-) Amorite |
Amorphie f amorphism |
Amorphismus m amorphism |
Amos Amos - Amos |
amour de soi Lat: love of self |
amour propre Lat: selfishness |
Amphibiennatur des Menschen f amphibious nature of man (Nietzsche) |
Amphibolie f amphiboly, amphibology, amphibolia |
amphibolisch amphibolous, amphibological |
Amphora f (-ren) jar |
Ampulle f (-n) ampulla |
AmQ SIG American Quarterly. Philadelphia |
AMRhKG SIG Archiv für mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte. Speyer |
AMS SIG Allgemeine Missionsstudien. Gütersloh |
Amt n (-"er)
office; post; task; official duty; ministry, ecclesiastical duty or office
amtlich adj
Amtmann m (-"er, -leute) bailiff; district administrator; district magistrate |
Amtsautorität f authority of office |
Amtsenthebung f (-en) defrocking; unfrocking; deprivation (of benefice) |
Amtshandlung f (-en) official (pastoral) act or function; ministration; religious ceremony |
Amtsträger m (-) officeholder |
Amtsverlust m (-e) loss of official position |
Amtswürde f abbacy; honor or dignity of the office |
Amulett n (-e) amulet; (lucky) charm; talisman |
Amusie f amusia; motorische A. - motor amusia; sensorische A. - sensory amusia |
AMZ SIG Allgemeine Missionszeitschrift. Monatshefte für geschichtliche und theoretische Missionskunde. Berlin |
an No information yet. |
an-sich Phil: in itself |
an-sich-seiend Phil: (being) in itself |
Anabaptismus m Anabaptism |
Anabaptist m (-en) Anabaptist |
Anachoret m (-en) recluse, hermit or anchoret |
Anachronismus m anachronism |
Anagnorisis f anagnorisis; recognition |
Anagogé f anagoge, anagogy |
anagogisch adj, adv anagoic(al); anagogische Deutung - anagogic interpretation |
Anakrusis f (-sen) anacrusis or anakrousis |
anal. abr analog; analytisch |
Anal. abr Analogie; Analyse; Analytica |
analoge Gotteserkenntnis f analogous knowledge of God; knowledge of God via analogy |
analogia Gr, Lat: analogy; a. entis - analogy of being; a. fidei - analogy of faith |
analogia entis f Lat: analogy of being |
analogia fidei f Lat: analogy of faith (doctrine) (Augustine) |
Analogie f (-n) analogy (zu - to, with), similarity (to), parallelism (to), correspondence (to); leveling; counterpart; analogy form; harmonische A. - harmonic or harmonical analogy; nach A. schließen - to argue from analogy; nach A. verfahren - to analogize; stoffliche A. - material analogy |
Analogieargument n argument from analogy |
Analogiebeweis m (-e) proof by analogy |
Analogiebildung n analogy or analogical form; analogy formation, formation by analogy; leveling |
Analogiedenken n analogical thinking |
Analogieform f analogy or analogical form; analogy formation, formation by analogy |
Analogielehre f doctine of analogy |
Analogieschluß m analogism; inference by analogy, analogical inference; argument by or from analogy; A. ziehen - to reason by analogy, to analogize |
Analogieverfahren n method of analogy (Aristotle) |
Analogiezauber m sympathetic magic; imitative magic; voodoo (magic); hom(o)eopathic magic |
analogisieren to analogize |
Analogismus m analogism; analogical inference, argument by analogy |
analogon rationis n Lat: analogue of reason |
Analyse f (-n)
analysis; inquiry, investigation; parsing (a sentence); test
Analyseparadox n paradox of analysis |
analysieren to analyze; to fest; to construe; to parse |
Analysis f analysis |
Analytik f analytic(s); A. der Begriffe - analytic of concepts (Kant); A. der Grundsätze - analytic of principles (Kant) |
Analytiker m (-) analytic (philosopher etc.); analyst |
analytisch adj, adv analytic(al), a. Ästhetik - analytic aesthetics; a. Aussage - analytic(al) statement; a. Einheit - analytic(al) unity (Kant) |
Analytisch-Allgemeine n (the) analytic universal (Kant) |
analytisch-synthetisch-Unterscheidung f analytic-synthetic distinction |
Analytizität f analyticity |
Analytizitätspostulat n analyticity postulate |
Anamnese f anamnesis; recollection |
Anamnesis f anamnesis; recollection |
Anamnesislehre f doctrine of recollection |
Ananke f destiny; fate |
Anapäst m (-e) anapaest or anapest, antidactyl |
Anapher f anaphora |
Anarchie f anarchy |
Anarchismus m anarchism |
Anarchokapitalismus m anarcho-capitalism |
Anarchokommunismus m anarchocommunism |
Anathem n anathema excommunication; ban; curse |
Anathema n
anathema excommunication; ban; curse
Anatta anatta; absence of (personal) immortal soul |
Anbeginn m (earliest or first), beginning, from the outset, origin |
anbelangen to concern, affect; to regard |
to worship; to adore, idolize
anbetend pr p worshiping |
Anbeter n (-) to adorer; worshiper, ardent admirer; A. von götzen votang |
Anbetracht m considering, in consideration or view of |
Anbetung f (-en)
adoration, devotion; idolization; worship (of a god); divine worship
anbetungswürdig adj holy; adorable, worthy of adoration |
AnBib abbr
Analecta Biblica. Roma |
anbinden vi sep to bind, tie (up), fasten; closely linked to |
anblasen vi sep to blow at or upon; to breathe on |
Anblick m look, sight, view; aspect; spectacle |
anblicken vr sep to look at; to glance at; to view, eye |
anbrechen vi sep to start; to break; to dawn, to broach; to open; to start on, to break into; to cut (a loaf, etc.), der Tag brach an - the day dawned |
Anbruch m (-"e) starting of; opening; beginning; crack; chip; break (of day); dawn (of era, day, etc.) |
a.n.C. abr Lat: ante nativitatem Christi vor Christi Geburt |
a.n.Chr. abr Lat: ante nativitatem Christi vor Christi Geburt |
ancilla theologiae f Lat: handmaiden of theology (such as philosophy, etc) |
and. abr andere; anders; andauernd; altniederdeutsch; altniederländisch; andorranisch; Ital: andante gehend, mäßig langsam |
And. abr Andacht; Andante; Andenken |
Andacht f (-en) devotion; devoutness; devotional (service), devout meditation; devotions, prayers |
andächteln vi to be overpious; to affect devotion |
Andächtler m (-) hypocrite |
Andächtlerin f (-nen) (female) hypocrite |
Andachtsbild n (-er) devotional picture or image, icon |
Andachtsbuch n (-"er) devotional book or manual; book of meditation; prayer book |
andachtslos adj, adv irreverent(ly); undevout |
andachtsvoll adj devout, pious, devotional; reverent |
andauernd pr p continuing; lasting |
Andenken n (-) memory, remembrance; memento; souvenir |
ander adj, pron
other, another; further, more (evidence, etc); different (aspects, condition, etc); next, following (day, morning, etc); else; different; alles andere - everything else; ein anderer - another (person); etwas anderes or ein anderes - something else;
unter anderem - among other things;
zum anderen - secondly
Andere n Phil: the other (object, idea, etc.) |
Andere m Phil: the other (person) |
Anderes m another; ein A. - an other, the other(ness) (Hegel) |
to change, alter, modify; to vary; to rectify; to reform |
different(ly), in another way; otherwise; a. werden - to change |
on the other hand |
Andersgerichtetheit f other-directedness (Heidegger) |
Andersgläubige m (-n) person of a different faith; dissenter; heretic |
Andersgläubigkeit f heterodoxy |
Andersheit f Phil: otherness (Plato) |
Anderssein No information yet. |
Anderswerden n becoming other, othering (Hegel) |
anderswo adv elsewhere, somewhere else |
anderswohin adv to another place, elsewhere, somewhere else |
Änderung f (-en)
change, modification, alteration, variation; correction; shift
to point out; to hint (at); to indicate; to suggest; to insinuate, imply;
Andreas m Andrew |
Androgynie f androgyny |
Androphobie f androphobia |
androzentrisch adj androcentric |
Androzentrismus m androcentrism |
AnEc SIG Analecta ecclesiastica. Roma |
Aneignung f appropriation (Marx); assimilation (Jaspers); Aneignung - aesthetic appropriation |
Aneignungsprozeß m process of appropriation |
aneinander adv together, to one another |
a nemine Lat: from no one or none
anempfehlen vi to recommend; to counsel, advise |
anempfinden vi (refl) to appreciate or to share the feelings of others |
ANEP SIG Ancient Near East in Pictures Relating to the Old Testament. James B. Pritchard, Princeton, N.J. |
anerk. abr anerkannt |
Anerk. abr Anerkennung |
anerkannt adj, pp acknowledged, recognized, admitted, accepted, allowed, authorized |
anerkennen vi sep
to recognize (als - as); to accept; to acknowledge; to appreciate; to allow; to approve; to honor; to accept; to admit (guilt, debt, etc)
Anerkenntnis f recognition (Hegel) |
Anerkennung f acknowledgment; recognition, A. finden - to win recognition, to meet with approval |
Anerkennungserwartung f (-en) expectation of recognition |
Anerkennungswürdigkeit f worthiness of being recognized (Habermas) |
ANFa abbr
Ante-Nicene Fathers. New York |
anfahren vr sep to drive up to; to drive or strike against; to address angrily |
Anfall m (-"e) attack, assault; raid; share, part (in inheritance); (pl.) yearly returns, yield; fit, attack |
Anfang m (-"e) beginning, start, onset, outset; Mus: intonation; incipit |
anfangen vi sep
to begin, start; to set about; to commence; to originate
Anfänger m (-) beginner; novice; learner |
Anfängergeist m beginner's mind |
Anfang in der Zeit m beginning in time |
anfänglich adj, adv initial; incipient; primary; original; first; rudimentary, primitive, at first |
anfangs adv at the beginning or start; at first; originally; initially; to start or begin with |
Anfangsgrund der Erfahrung m starting point of experience (Kant) |
Anfangsgrund der Erkenntnis m starting point of knowledge, antecedent ground of knowledge (Kant) |
Anfangsgründe f first principles; rudiments, principles, elements |
Anfangslosigkeit f beginninglessness |
Anfangsmenge f Phil: initial set |
Anfangszustand m initial state |
anfassen vt sep to take hold of, grasp, seize |
anfechtbar adj questionable; contestable; disputable; vulnerable; controversial; open to opinion or critic |
Anfechtbarkeit f contestableness, contestability; questionableness; disputability; defeasibility |
anfechten to dispute, combat, contest to attack, challenge |
Anfechtung f (-en)
temptation; trial, tribulation |
anfeinden vr sep to show enmity, ill-will or hostility towards |
Anfeindung f (-en) persecution; enmity; hostility, ill will |
anfertigen vr sep to make, manufacture, fabricate; to prepare; to write, to document, draw up (document, etc.) |
anflehen vt to implore, supplicate; to beseech, entreat; to invoke; to appeal to |
Anflehung f supplication, invocation; imploration, entreaty; beseediment |
anfordern vr sep to demand; to require; to claim; to request |
Anforderung f (-en)
demand: requirements; request; claim
anfreunden vr sep
(refl) to form or strike up a friendship; to make friends with someone; to become friends |
anfügen vr sep to join; to attach; to add; to affix; to annex |
anfühlen vr sep to feel, to touch; (refl) to feel like |
anführen vr sep
to cite, quote; to put forth; to lead (on); to guide
Anführer m (-) leader; head; commander; instigator |
Anführung f quotation, mention; adduction |
anfüllen vr sep to fill (up), to cram, to stuff |
Ang. abr Angabe; Angehörige(r); Angestellte(r) |
a.n.g. abr anderweitig nicht genannt |
Angabe No information yet. |
angeben vi sep
to indicate,
mention, state, give (a reason, etc); to declare; to quote, cite; to claim, allege; to show, point to; to pretend
angebl. abr angeblich |
angeblich adj, adv supposed; reputed; alleged; ostensible; pretended; supposedly, ostensibly, reputedly |
angeboren adj innate, inborn, inherent; natural; congenital; hereditary; Phil: connate, innate; a. Begriff - innate concept; a. Erkenntnis - innate knowledge; a. Neigung - innate (pre)disposition, inborn tendency; a. Wissen - innate knowledge |
Angeborenheit f Phil: innateness |
Angeborenheitshypothese f Phil: innateness hypothesis (Chomsky) |
Angeborenheitsthese f innateness thesis; innatism |
Angebot n (-) offer, proposal, proposition |
angebracht adj advisable; appropriate; proper |
angef. abr angefangen; angefordert; angeführt |
angefaßt p p, adj appropriate |
angeh. abr angehoben; angehörend; angehörig |
angehen vi sep to approach, to apply to; to be related to; to begin, commence; to grow; Arch: to slope up, rise, ascend; das geht mich an - that concerns me |
angehören vr sep
to belong to; to be a member of
angek. abr angekommen; angekündigt |
Angel f (-n) fishing rod or line; door hinge |
angelegen pp, adj (refl) lassen - to make (something) one's business or concern; to look after (something) |
Angelegenheit f (-en) matter; concern, business, affair; |
angeloben vr sep to vow; to promise (solemnly); (refl) to vow or or promise oneself to get married |
Angelöbnis n (-se) vow, solemn protestation, promise |
Angelologie f analogy, doctrine of angels |
Angelos SIG Angelos. Archiv für neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte. Leipzig |
angels. abr angelsächsisch |
Angelus m (-) Angelus (angel, messenger) |
angelus Domini Lat: the angel of the Lord |
Angelus-Läuten n ringing the angelus; ave-bell, angelus-bell |
angemessen adj
appropriate (to, for); adequate (for); proper, fitting; fair, reasonable |
Angemessenheit f appropriateness; adequacy; fittingness; A. der Mittel - appropriateness of means |
angen. abr angenommen |
angenehm adj, adv agreeable; pleasant, pleasing; gratifying; agreeably; pleasantly |
Angenehme n (the) aggreeable (Kant) |
angenommen adj assumened, alleged |
angepaßt adj appropriate |
Anger m (-) (village) green; meadow; pasture; lawn |
angeschlagen pp, adj chipped (pottery, etc); hurt, down and out, groggy |
angesehen adj esteemed, respected; reputable; distinguished, notable |
Angesicht n (-er) countenance; face; sight; view; im Schweiße seines A. - in the sweat of his brow |
angesichts prep (gen)
in the presence of; in view of; considering (that); seeing that; in the face of or faced with (death, etc)
angewandt f, pp applied; A. Forschung - applied research; A. Kunst - applied or decorative art |
Angewiesenheit mutual, reciprocal dependency |
angewinkelt pp, adj Arch: bent in |
angl. abr anglikanisch |
Angl. abr Angleichung; Angliederung; Anglikaner |
Angleichung f (-en) assimilation; adjustment (to); adaptation (to) |
AnglF SIG Anglistische Forschungen. Heidelberg |
anglik. abr anglikanisch |
Anglikaner m (-) Anglican |
anglikanisch adj Anglican |
Anglikanische Kirche f Anglican Church, Church of England |
Anglikanismus m Anglicanism |
angreifen vi sep
to attack, assault; to undertake, grapple with, tackle, set about; to seize, lay or take hold of
Angriff m (-e) attack; assault; invasion; aggression |
Angriffskrieg m (-e) war of aggression |
Angst f (-"e)
anxiety; fear; anguish; phobia; dread; existentielle A. - angst; existential dread; A. vor dem Nichts - fear of nothingness (Satre); A. vor dem Über-Ich - fear of the super-ego
angst adj frightened, scared; apprehensive; alarmed, anxious |
Angstgeschrei n cry of terror or anguish |
ängstlich adj
anxious; timid; uneasy |
Angstlust f angstlust, thrill |
Angstneurose f anxiety neurosis |
Angstzustand m anxiety state |
Anh. abr Anhang |
Anhall m Mus: build-up, onset of vibration |
Anhalt m support; hold; clue, idea |
anhalten vi sep to stop; to pull up; to spur on, urge, encourage; (refl) to cling to; to hold on to |
anhand prep gen or von
by means of; in the light of; on the basis of
anhängen vi sep to stick to; to affix, add, fasten; to hold or cling on to; to remain faithful |
Anhänger m (-) follower; disciple; supporter |
Anhäufung f (-en) accumulation, increase |
anheben vi sep to raise, lift; to begin; to commence; Mus: to boost (a frequency) |
anheften to fasten to, to affix |
anheimstellen vr sep to suggest; to submit; to leave to (a person, God, etc.) |
anhören vr sep
to hear; to listen to
Anhören n hearing; listening to |
Anhpkt. abr Anhaltspunkt |
Anima f (-s) anima, soul-female aspect of the human spirit (as seen unconsciously by a man) (Jung) |
anima Lat: wind, breath, life; soul, rational soul of any human being (Descartes) |
animalisch adj bestial, brutish, animal, animalische Natur des Menschen - animal/bestial/brutish nature of man |
Animalität f animality (Kant) |
animal rationale rational animal |
animal sociale social animal (Aristotle) |
Animation f |
Animismus m animism |
Animist m (-en) animist |
Animus m animus (the male aspect of the human spirit (as seen unconsciously by a woman) (Jung) |
Anker m (-) anchor |
ANKG(W) abbr
Archiv für die neueste Kirchengeschichte. Weimar |
Ankh ankh |
Anklage f (-n) charge; inditement; accusation; indictment |
anklagen vr sep to accuse; to charge; to indict |
Ankläger m (-) accuser; plaintiff |
anklägerisch adj prone to accuse |
Anklageschrift f (-en) (bill of) indictment; accusation |
Anklang m Mus: accord; underton; echo, reminiscence (an - of); Ling: assonace; alliteration; A. finden - to be well received, meet with approval |
ankleben vr sep to stick to, adhere; to glue or paste on |
anklopfen to knock (at); to rap |
anknüpfen vr sep to connect, link; to enter into; to begin, start up; to refere to; to tie, fasten with; to join; an etws a. - to resume |
Anknüpfung f connection, link |
Anknüpfungspunkt m (-e) starting point; point of reference; point of contact |
ankommen vi sep
to arrive; to depend (auf -- on); to approach; to befall
Ankömmling m (-e) new, arrival; newcomer; a newborn (infant, child) |
ankünden vr sep to announce, proclaim; to declare |
ankündigen vr sep to announce, proclaim; to declare
Ankündigung f announcement, declaration, proclamation |
Ankunft f (-"e) arrival; advent |
Anlage No information yet. |
Anlaß m (-"sse) reason; cause; motive; occasion; inducement |
Anlauf m (-e) start; attempt; attack, advance, change; Arch: escape, apophyge |
anlaufen vi sep to start or begin; to run up to or against |
anläuten vr sep to ring-up |
anlegen vi sep to set up, begin, start; to lay or put on (or against); to apply; to lean against; to lie against, to adhere to; to land; (refl) to oppose, get into a fight (with someone) |
anleiten vr sep to introduce; to guide or direct; to instruct or train |
Anleitung f (-en)
guidance, instruction, direction; introduction; guide |
anliegen vi sep to lie near or close to, to be adjacent to, border on; to entreat (someone) |
Anliegen n (-) request; desire; wish; intent; concern; matter, affair, business |
anlocken vr sep to attract; to allure; to entice, lure |
Anlockung f (-en) enticement; attraction; allurement |
Anlockungsmittel n (-) lure; decoy; bait |
anlügen vi sep to lie to (a person's face); to lie (brazenly) |
Anm. abr Anmerkung(en) - note |
anmaßen vr sep to presume; to claim; to assume; to arrogate |
Anmaßung f (-en) presumption; arrogance; usurpation; insolence |
anmerken vr sep to perceive; to observe, to remark, to notice, to note, to write down, mark |
Anmerkung f (-en)
remark; observation; note; comment; annotation |
Anmut f grace, gracefulness; charm; attractiveness; sweetness of manner, pleasantness; elegance; amenity |
anmuten to request |
anmutig adj graceful(ly); charming; lovely, pleasant |
Anmutung f (-en) request |
ann. abr annullieren; annulliert |
Ann. abr Annahme; Annalen; Annullierung; Annotatio(n) |
Annahme f (-n)
assumption; supposition; hypothesis; belief; acceptance; reception
Annahmeeinführung f Phil: introduction of an assumption or a hypothesis |
Annahmenkalkül m/n calculus of assumptions, assumption calculus |
Annalen annals |
Annales-Tradition f annals tradition |
annehmbar adj acceptable |
annehmen vi sep
to take; to accept; to receive; to assume, suppose; to take for granted
Lat: annica; impermanenance
Annihilation f annihilation |
Annihilationismus m annihilationism |
Anomalie f (-n) anomaly |
Anomia f anomie, anomie, anomy, state of lawlessness or normlessness (in individual conduct, society, or state, etc.); loss of order |
Anomie No information yet. |
anomisch adj anomic (see: Anomie) |
anon. abr anonym |
anonym adj anonymous, anonymer Christ - anonymous Christian (Rahner) |
Anonymität f anonymity |
anordnen vr sep to arrange or order (something); to lay or set out; to order, command or decree |
Anordnung f (-en) compostion (of scenes or motifs) |
anpassen vr sep
to suit to; to adapt oneself (to), adjust; to assimilate; to conform (to); to accommodate; to fit
Anpassung f (-en) adjustment, accomodation; adaptation |
anpassungsfähig adj adaptable; adaptive; accommodating; flexible; conformable; versatile |
Anpassungsfähigkeit f (-en) adaptability, adaptiveness; flexibility; geistige A. - versatility |
anrechnen vr sep to allow, credit; to charge; to deduct; to take into account |
Anrecht n (-e) entitlement; right, title, claim (auf -to); qualification; eligibility |
anreden vr sep
to address or speak to
anregen vr sep to stimulate, inspire; to suggest, propose; to animate |
Anregung f (-en)
stimulus, encouragement, impulse |
anreißen vi sep Mus: to pluck (a string) |
Anreiz m (-e) incentive |
anrichten vr sep to regulate; to produce; to cause; to prepare |
anrücken vr sep to approach, draw near; to advance |
Anruf m (-e)
call; challenge; appeal; address (Heidegger)
anrufen vi sep
to call (upon); to invoke; to appeal to; to challenge
Anrufung f (-en) invocation; appeal to (higher authority, court, etc) |
anrühren vr sep to touch |
ansagen vr sep to announce; to notify |
Ansatz (-"e)
beginning, start; extension, appendage |
anschaffen vi sep to procure; to provide, to buy, purchase |
anschauen No information yet. |
anschaulich adj clear; visual; vivid; concrete |
Anschaulichkeit f intuitiveness; vividness; clarity |
Anschauung No information yet. |
Anschauungsbild n (-er) eidetic or sensory image; mental image |
Anschauungsform f form of intuition or perception (Kant) |
Anschauungssatz m intuitive proposition; intuitive clause |
Anschauungsvermögen n Phil: faculty of intuition (Kant) |
Anschein m
appearance, look; semblance; probability; A. erwecken - to give the impression
anschicken to get ready for, to prepare oneself to do something, to proceed to do something, to set about doing something |
Anschlag m (-"e) assault, attack |
anschlagen to strike against, upon, or at, to sound, to ring, to affix, to stick up, to estimate, to value, to splice (a rope); to strike or fall against, to take effect, to operate |
anschließen to attach, to join (up), to connect (dat - to), to link up (with), to addon (to); to join (company) (dat - with), to attach oneself (to), to agree, to comply, to adjoin, to follow immediately, to close the ranks, to close up |
Anschluß m (-"sse)
annexation; joining, union; connection; (im A. -- an); subsequent to, following; in connection with; with reference to |
anschmiegen to join closely, to adapt; to nestle against, to snuggle up to, to cling to, to conform to |
anschreiben vi sep to note or write down; to write to |
anschwellen vi sep to grow louder, rise into a crescendo; to swell (up); to increase |
anschwingen vi sep to begin to vibrate (a string or organ pipe) |
ansehen vi sep
to look at, view; to examine; to regard, consider
Ansehen n appearance; authority; honor |
ansetzen vr sep Mus: to pitch |
Ansich No information yet. |
an sich in-itself; implicitly; an sich (selbst) - in itself, on its own part |
Ansichsein n Phil: (the) in-itself-ness; being-in-itself (Hegel, Heidegger) |
an sich sein being in itself |
Ansicht No information yet. |
ansingen vi sep Mus: to attack (a note) |
anspannen vr sep to yoke to, hitch; to stretch; to bend (sails); to strain, exert |
anspeien vi sep to spit at or upon |
anspielen vr sep to try out (an instrument); to strike, attack (a note); to begin to play (a piece of music) |
Anspielung f (-en) allusion (auf - to); hint; insinuation |
Ansprache f (-n) address, speech |
ansprechen vi sep
to speak to, address; to appeal to, interest
Anspruch m (-"e)
claim; right; pretension, (auf - to); demand (auf - for); in A. nehmen - to lay claim to, make use of; to demand |
Anspruchsrecht n claim right; entitlement |
Anstaltsseelsorger m (-) chaplain (of a prison, hospital, etc) |
Anstand m propriety; decency; good manners or behavior |
Anständigkeit f decency; propriety; respectability |
anstatt gen prep
instead of, in place of
anstecken vr sep to catch on; to infect; to be infected; to stick or put on; to set on fire, kindle (a fire) |
Ansteckung f (-en) contagion; infection |
anstiften to cause, begin, start (a problem, fight, etc.); to plot; to provoke |
Anstiftung f (-en) instigation; contriving |
anstimmen vr sep to strike up; to intone; to begin to sing, break into (a song); to begin to play |
Anstoß No information yet. |
anstoßen vi sep to strike; to push against; to give offense; to stumble against |
anstößig adj offensive |
Anstößigkeit f offensiveness |
anstreben vr sep to aim at; to strive for; to aspire |
Anstrengung f (-en) effort; excertions; strain; initiations |
ant. abr anteilig; antik; antiquarisch |
Ant. abr Anteil(e); Antenne; Antiphon; Antiqua; Antiquar(iat); Antiquitäten |
ANT abbr
Apocrypha Novi Testamenti. Assen |
Antagonismus m antagonism |
antasten vr sep to touch |
AntBibl abr Antiquitates Biblicae des Pseudo-Philo |
Antecedens m (-ntien) antecedent |
Anteil m (-e)
share (in); part (in); interest (in); concern (about); sympathy
Antep. Antependium |
Antezedens m (-ntien) antecedent |
Antezedensbedingung f (-en) antecedent condition |
Anth. abr Anthologie |
Anthol. abr Anthologie |
Anthologie f (-n) anthology |
anthologisch adj anthological |
Anthologist m (-en) anthologist |
anthr. abr anthropologisch |
Anthr. abr Anthropologe; Anthropologie |
anthrop. abr anthropologisch |
Anthrop. abr Anthropologe; Anthropologie |
Anthropinon n human characteristic |
Anthropismus m anthropinism |
Anthropodizee f anthropodicy |
anthropogen adj of human origin, anthropogenic; caused or made by humans |
Anthropogenese f anthropogenesis, anthropogeny |
Anthropogenie f anthropogenesis, anthropogeny |
Anthropogonie f anthropogeny |
Anthropographie f anthropography |
Anthropoide m (-n) anthropoid |
anthropol. abr anthropologisch |
Anthropol. abr Anthropologe; Anthropologie |
Anthropolatrie f anthropolatry |
Anthropologie f Anthropology |
Anthropologismus m anthropologism |
Anthropometrie f anthropometry |
anthropometrisch adj anthropometrical, anthrometric |
anthropomorph adj anthropomorphic |
Anthropomorphe m anthropoid |
anthropomorphisieren to anthropomorphize |
Anthropomorphismus m anthropomorphism |
Anthroposophie f anthroposophy (Steiner) |
Anthropotheologie f anthropotheology |
Anthropozentrismus m anthropocentrism |
Anti-Held m anti-hero |
Anti-Illusionismus m A. Kunst - anti-illusionist art, anti-illusionism |
Anti-Intellektualismus m anti-intellectualism |
Anti-Kunst f anti-art |
antianalytisch adj anti-analytic |
antiantoritär adj anti-anthortarian |
Antiautoritäre f anti-authoritarian |
Antichrist m Antichrist |
antichristlich adj antichristian |
antichristus Gr: antichrist |
Antidemokrat m antidemocrat |
antidemokratisch adj antidemocratic |
Antideterminismus m antideterminism |
Antidogmatismus m antidogmatism |
Antifaschismus m antifacism |
Antifaschist m (-en) antifascist |
Antihumanismus m antihumanism |
Antikantianismus m antikantianism |
Antike f
antiquity; ancient world; klassische A. classical antiquity
antiklerikal adj anticlerical |
Antiklerikale m, f (-n) anticlerical |
Antiklerikalismus m anticlericalism |
Antiklinale f anticline |
Antikommunismus m anticommunism |
Antikonzeption f (-en) contraception |
Antikörper m (-) antibody |
Antikritik f (-en) anticriticism |
Antileg. Antilegomena |
Antiliberalismus m antiliberalism |
Antilogie f (-n) antilogy; self-contradiction (Kant) |
Antilogik f antilogic |
Antilogismus m antilogic |
Antiloquium n antiloquy |
Antimachiavellismus m antimachiavell(ian)ism (Frederick the Great) |
Antimaterie f antimatter |
antimetaphysisch adj antimetaphysical |
Antimilitarismus m antimilitarism |
Antimoral f antimorality |
antimoralisch adj antimoral |
Antimoralismus m antimoralism |
Antimoralist m (-en) antimoralist |
Antinaturalismus m antinaturalism |
Antinomie f (-n) antinomy; A. der Definierbarkeit - antinomy of definability; A. der (reflektierenden) Urteilskraft - antinomy of (reflective) judg(e)ment (Kant); A. der praktischen Vernunft - antinomy or practical reason (Kant); A. der heterologischer Terme - antinomy of heterological terms; Antinomien der Mengenlehre - settheoretic paradoxes; Antinomien des bürgerlichen Denkens - antinomes of bourgeois thought (Lukacs) |
Antinomienlehre f theory or doctrine of the antinomies (Kant) |
antinomisch adj antinomic |
Antinomismus m antinomianism |
Antipapismus m antipapism, antipopery |
antipapistisch adj antipapal; antipapist |
Antipartikel n anti-particle |
Antipathie f antipathy |
Antiphon f antiphon |
antiphonal adj antiphonal |
Antiphonale n (-n) antiphonal, antiphonary, antiphoner |
Antiphonar n (-e) antiphonal, antiphonary, antiphoner |
Antiphone f (-n) antiphony |
antiphonisch adj antiphonal |
Antiplatonismus m antiplatonism |
Antipode m antipode, exact opposite |
Antipositivismus m anti-positivism |
antiqu. abr antiquarisch |
Antiqu. abr Antiquitäten; Antiquar(iat) |
Antiqu.Hdl. abr Antiquitätenhandel; Antiquitätenhändler |
Antiqu.Kat. abr Antiquariatskatalog |
Antirealismus m antirealism, anti-realism |
antis. abr antisemitisch |
antisem abr antisemitisch |
Antisemitismus m antisemitism |
antisemitsch adj antisemitic |
Antiskeptizismus m antiscepticism |
antisozial adj anti-social |
Antispeziesismus m anti-speciesism |
Antiszientismus m anti-scientism |
Antitheater n anti-theatre |
Antithese f antithesis, direct contrast; counter-thesis |
Antithetik f antithetics; Antithetik der reinen Vernunft - antithetics of pure reason (Kant) |
antithetisch adj antithetic(al) |
Antiutopie f anti-utopia |
Antizipation f anticipation; Antizipationen der Wahrnehmung - anticipations of perception (Kant) |
antizipieren to anticipate |
antizipierend pr p, adj anticipating, anticipatory; a. Bewußtsein - anticipatory consciousness (Bloch) |
antizipierendes Bewußtsein n anticipatory consciousness (Bloch) |
antizyklisch adj anticyclic(al) |
ANTL SIG Annalen der neuesten theologischen Literatur und Kirchengeschichte. Rinteln |
Anton. abbr
Antonianum. Roma |
Antonymie f antonymy |
Antr. abr Antrag; Anträge; Antritt |
antreffen vi sep
to find; to encounter, come across; to meet with
antreiben vi sep to drive or urge on; to drive; to power; to drift ashore |
antreten vi sep to take one's place; to line up; to start up |
Antrieb m impulse; drive |
Antriebsursache f source of movement (Aristotle); Phil: moving or efficient cause |
ANTT abbr
Arbeiten zur neutestamentlichen Textforschung. Berlin |
antun vi sep to put on (clothes), to inflict (harm, etc.) on, to injure; to insult |
Antw. abr Antwort(en) |
Antwort f (-en)
answer, reply (auf -- to) |
to answer, reply; to respond; to react
Antwortschema n answer-scheme |
an und für sich in and for itself |
Anundfürsichsein n Phil: being-in-and-for-itself (Hegel) |
anvertrauen vr sep to confide; to entrust; to trust with |
Anwalt m (-"e) lawyer, attorney, solicitor |
anweisen vi sep to teach, instruct; to direct; to order; to assign |
Anweisung f (-en) direction; instruction, order; regulation; specification |
anwenden vi sep
to use; to apply; to employ
Anwendung f (-en)
employment, application
Anwendungsbereich m range of application |
Anwendungsfeld n (-er) field of application |
Anwendungswissen n practical, know-how; Phil: knowledge |
anwerben vi sep to enlist; to recruit; to enroll; to hire |
anwesend adj present (bei - at); a. sein - to be present, to attend; to be at hand |
Anwesenheit f Phil: presence; die Anwesenheit Gottes - presence of God |
Anz. abr Anzahl; Anzeiger |
Anzahl No information yet. |
Anzeichen n (-) signal; clue; omen, foreboding |
anzeichnen vr sep to mark, note; to index |
Anzeige f (-n) announcement; notification; notice |
anzeigen vr sep to indicate; to show, point out; to announce, notify |
anziehen vi sep to put on (clothes, etc.); to draw, pull |
Anziehung f attraction |
Anziehungskraft f attraction, appeal; power or force of attraction, attractive power or force |
anzünden vr sep to kindle, light (a fire) |
ao. abr außerordentlicher (Professor) |
AO abbr
Der alte Orient. Leipzig |
AOAT SIG Alter Orient und Altes Testament. Kevelaer |
AOB SIG Altorientalische Bilder zum Alten Testament. Hugo Greßmann, ed., Tübingen |
a.o.c. abr Lat: anno orbis conditi im Jahre nach der Erschaffung der Welt |
AOH SIG Acta orientalia (academiae scientiarum Hungaricae. Acta orient(alia) Hung(arica)). Budapest |
Äolsharfe f Aeolian harp |
Äolsklavier n (-se) Aeolian piano |
Äon m eon, aeon |
Aor. abr Aorist |
AöR abr Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts; Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts |
AOR abbr
Annals of Oriental Research. Madras |
AOS SIG American Oriental Series. New Haven, Conn. |
AOT SIG Altorientalische Texte zum Alten Testament. Hugo Greßmann, ed., Tübingen |
ap. abr apostolisch |
Ap. abr Apostel |
Apagogé f apagoge |
APAT SIG Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen des Alten Testaments. Emil Kautzsch, ed., Tübingen |
Apathie f apathy |
APAW SIG Abhandlungen der (K.) Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin |
ApBl SIG Apologetische Blätter |
a.p.C. abr Lat: anno post Christum natum im Jahre nach der Geburt Christi |
Apeiron n the unbounded, the unlimited |
apeitheia Gr: disobedience |
apers. abr altpersisch |
Apersonalismus m apersonalism |
Aperspektivität f Phil: aperspectivity |
APF SIG Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Berlin |
APFaith SIG Annals of the Propagation of the Faith. London |
Apfel m (-") apple |
Apfelbaum m (-"e) apple tree |
Apg. abr Apostelgeschichte - Acts |
Apg abr Apostelgeschichte - Acts |
APG(F) abbr
Abhandlung zur Philosophie und ihrer Geschichte. R. Falkenberg, ed. Leipzig |
APh SIG Archiv für Philosophie. Stuttgart |
Aphasie f aphasia; language loss, loss of the faculty of speech |
aphilosphisch adj aphilosophical; none-philosophical |
Aphonie aphonia, loss of the voice |
Aphor. abr Aphorismus |
Aphorismus m aphorism |
aphoristisch adj aphoristic |
Aphronesis f unreasonableness |
APIB SIG Acta Pontificii Instituti Biblici (et Orientalis). Roma |
Apk abr Apokalypse des Johannes (Geheime Offenbarung); Apokalypti; Offenbarung, Apokalypse - Revelation
ApkAbr abr Apokalypse Abrahams |
ApkBar(gr) abr griech. Baruch-Apokalypse |
ApkBar(syr) abr syrische Baruch-Apokalypse |
ApkEl abr Apokalypse des Elija |
ApkEz abr Apokalypse des Ezechiel |
ApkMos abr Apokalypse des Mose |
ApkPetr abr Apokalypse des Petrus |
ApkSedr abr Apokalypse des Sedrach |
ApkZef abr Apokalypse des Zefanja |
Apoc. abr Apocopatus |
apodeiktisch adj apodeictic |
Apodiktik f apod(e)ictics |
apodiktisch adj apod(e)ictics; a. Gewißheit - apod(e)ictic certainty (Kant) |
apographa Gr: copy of an original |
apok. abr apokalyptisch |
Apok. abr Apokalypse; Apokalyptik; Apokalyptiker; Apokope |
apokal. abr apokalyptisch |
Apokalypse f
apocalypse; the Apocalypse |
Apokalypseblindheit f apocalyptic blindness |
apokalyptisch adj apocalyptic; die apokalyptischen Reiter - the (four) apocalyptic horsemen, the (four) horsemen of the Apocalypse |
Apokatastase f apocatastasis, restitution |
apokatastasis Gr: restoration |
apokr. abr apokryph |
Apokr. abr Apokryphen |
apokryph adj apocryphal; apokryphe Schriften - apocrypha |
Apokryphen (pl) Apocrypha |
apokryphe Schriften apocrypha |
apokryphisch adj apocryphal |
ApolCA abr Apologia Confesionis Augustanae |
apolitisch adj apolitical; a. Haltung - apolitical attitude |
apollinisch adj Appollonian |
Apologet m (-en)
apologist |
Apologetik f apologetics |
apologetisch adj apologetic(al) |
Apologie f (-n) apologia; apology |
Apophantik f apophantics; logic of proposition (Husserl) |
apophantisches Als n apophantic as; (the) apophantic assertion (Heidegger) |
Aporem n aporeme |
Aporetik f aporetics |
Aporie f aporia |
apost. abr apostolisch |
Apostasie f apostasy |
Apostat m apostate |
Apostel m (-) apostle |
Apostelamt n apostleship |
Apostelbriefe the Acts of the Apostles |
Aposteldienst m ministry as an apostle |
Apostelgeschichte f Acts of the Apostles |
Apostellehre f Didache (the teaching of the twelve apostles) |
a posteriori Lat: from the latter |
aposteriorisch adj a posteriori; a. Urteil - a posteriori judg(e)ment |
Aposteriortät f a posteriori nature or quality |
Apostolat n apostleship |
Apostolikum m the Apostles' Creed |
apostolisch adj
apostolic; das a. Glaubensbekenntnis - the Apostles' Creed; der a. Stuhl - the Apostolic See; das a. Zeitalter - the Apostolic Age
apostolische Glaubensbekenntnis n Apostles' Creed |
apostolische Stuhl m Apostolic See |
apostolische Zeitalter n Apostolic Age |
Apotheose f apotheosis |
apotrop. abr apotropäisch |
apotropäisch adj apotropaic |
App. abr Appellativ(um); Appendix; Apposition; Apparat |
Appar. abr Apparat |
Apparat m (-e) apparatus, equipment; research material; reference books |
Apparenz f appearance |
appellierende f appellative or appeal function of language (Bühler) |
Apperzeption f apperception |
apperzeptiv adj apperceptive |
Appetenzverhalten n appetence or appetency behavior |
appetitus intellectualis m Lat: intellectual appetite (Aquinas) |
appetitus naturalis m Lat: natural appetite (Aquinas) |
appetitus sensitivus m Lat: sensitivous or sensual appetite |
Applikabilität f applicability |
Applikation f application |
Applikatur f fingering |
Appos. abr Apposition |
appr. abr approbieren; approbiert |
APPR abbr Abhandlungen zur Philosophie, Psychologie und Soziologie der Relionen. Würzburg |
Appräsentation f appresentation |
Apprehensibilität f apprehendability |
apprehensio fiducialis Lat: faithful apprehension |
Apprehension f apprehension |
approb. abr approbieren; approbiert |
Appropriation f appropriation |
Ap.Prot. abr Apostolischer Protonotar |
Approximationssatz m Phil: approximation theorem |
APQ SIG American Philosophical Quarterly. Pittsburgh |
apr. abr apriorisch; apropos |
Apr. abr April |
a.p.R.c. abr Lat: anno post Romam conditam im Jahre nach der Gründung Roms |
Apriori n (the) a priori |
a priori Lat: from the former |
Apriorismus m apriorism |
Apriorität f a priori nature or quality; the property of being a priori |
Apsis f (-siden) apse, apsis |
APT SIG Acta Philosophica et Theologica. Roma |
APTh SIG Arbeiten zur Pastoraltheologie. Göttingen |
a.pto. abr Lat: anno passato im vergangenen Jahre |
Aqr. abr Aquarius |
Äquifinalität f equifinality |
Äquilibrismus m equilibrism |
äquipollent adj equipollent |
Äquipollenz f (-en) equipollence, equipollency |
Äquipotentialität f equipotentiality (Driesch) |
äquipotentiell adj of equal power |
Äquiprobabilismus m equi-probabilism |
äquiv. abr äquivalent |
äquivalent adj equivalent |
Äquivalenz f (-en) equivalence |
Äquivalenzprinzip n exclusion principle; principle of equivalence |
Äquivalenzrelation f equivalence relation |
Äquivalenzschema n Phil: equivalence formula |
äquivok adj equivocal |
Äquivokation f (-en) equivocation |
a.r. abr Lat: anno regni im Jahre der Herrschaft, Regierung |
arab. abr arabisch; arabicus |
Arab. abr Araber; Arabien; Arabische |
Araber m (-) Arab |
Arabeske f (-n) arabesque |
arabeskenhaft adj arabesque-like |
Arabien n Arabia |
arabisch adj Arabian, Arabic; a. Ziffern - Arabic numerals |
Arabist m (-en) Arabist, the Arab's scholar |
Arabistik f Arabic studies or scholarship |
aram. abr aramäisch |
aramäisch adj
Arb. abr Arbeit(en) |
Arbeit f (-en)
work, labor; job; project; treatise, paper |
arbeiten to labor, toil; to work; to make; to execute |
Arbeiter m (-)
worker, workman, laborer
Arbeiterrevolution f proletarian revolution |
Arbeiterschaft f workforce; body of workers; employees (laborers, workers) |
Arbeitgeber m employer |
Arbeitnehmer m employee |
Arbeitsbalg m feeder (organ) |
Arbeitsbedingung f (-en) working condition, conditions of work |
Arbeitsethik f work ethics |
Arbeitsethos n work ethos; ethic |
Arbeitslied n (-er) work song |
Arbeitslohn m wages |
Arbeitsmittel n means or instrument of work or labor |
Arbeitsmoral f workplace morale, on-the-job morale |
Arbeitsproduktivität f work productivity |
Arbeitsprozeß m labor or work process |
Arbeitsteilung f division of work or labor |
Arbeitsvermögen n capacity to work |
Arbeitswert m value or work |
Arbeitszeit f work(ing) time |
Arb.Geb. abr Arbeitsgebiet |
Arb.Gem. abr Arbeitsgemeinschaft |
Arbiträrität f arbitrariness |
Arb.Kr. abr Arbeitskreis |
arbor scientiae boni et mali Lat: the tree of the knowledge of good and evil |
arbor vitae Lat: tree of life |
arch. abr archaisch; archäologisch; archetypisch; architektonisch; archrivalisch; archivieren; Architektur |
Arch. abr Archäologe; Archäologie; Archetyp; Archipel; Architekt; Architektur; Archiv; Archivar; Archivio; Engl: Archaeology; Archive(s) |
archaisch adj archaic; a. Stil - archaic style |
Archäologe m (-n)
archeologist |
Archäologie f archeology; A. der Wissensbereiche - archeology of epistemes |
archäologisch adj, adv archeological(ly); a. Isomorphismen - archeological isomorphism (Foucault) |
Arch.Ass. abr Archivassessor |
Arch.Dir. abr Archivdirektor |
Arche f (-n) (Noah's) ark; ark of the covenant - cf Bundeslade, Lade; Mus: wind-chest (organ); west-plank or string-plate (piano) |
arché f origin; beginning; ruling principle |
Archetyp m archetype |
Archeus m archeus, vital principle |
Archidiakon m (-e) archdeacon |
Archimedisches Axiom n Archimedean axiom |
Archimedisches Prinzip n Archimedes principle |
Archimedischter Punkt m Archimedean point |
Archipresbyter m (-) arch priest |
Architektonik f architectonic; architecture; structure; A. der Begriffe - conceptual architecture (Kant); A. der reinen Vernunft - (the) architectonic of pure reason (Kant); A. architektonische - architectonic (Kant) |
architektonisch adj architectonic |
Architektur f (-en) architecture |
Architekturtheorie f theory of architecture |
Archiv n (-e) archive(s), records; record office |
Archivar m (-e) archivist; keeper of records (public, a society, etc.) |
Archivexemplar n (-e) archive, archival, or original copy, file-copy |
Archivmaterial n records, record or archival material |
Archologie f archology |
ARE SIG Ancient Records of Egypt. James Henry Breasted, ed., Chicago |
Areal n (-e) area; tract; region |
ArEc abbr
Archiva Ecclesiae. Vaticano |
Areligiosität f irreligiosity; religiouslessness, religionlessness, irreligiousness |
Ärenleser m (-) gleaner |
Aretologie n (-e) aretology, theory of virtue(s) |
arg adj bad; wicked, evil; deceitful |
Ärger m anger, irritation |
ärgerlich adj angry; annoying; provoking |
ärgern vr, vrl to annoy; to provoke; to anger, make angry; vrf sich ä. - to take offense, be angry (über - at, over) |
Ärgernis n (-se) offense; annoyance; stambling block; anger; scandal |
Argheit f wickedness; malice; deceit |
Arglist f cunning; deceitfulness; malice |
arglistig adj crafty, cunning; deceitful; malicious |
arglos adj unsuspecting, unsuspicious; guileless; simple, artless; naive; innocent, harmless |
Argument n (-e) argument |
argumenta naturae Lat: arguments from nature |
Argumentation f argumentation |
Argumentationsfehler f argumentation |
Argumentationsfeld n field of argument |
Argumentationsgemeinschaft f community of argumentation |
Argumentationslehre f argumentation theory |
Argumentationsmuster n (-) pattern of argument |
Argumentationsteilnehmer m (-) participant in argumentation |
Argumentationstheorie f argumentation theory |
argumentieren to argue; to reason |
argumentum Lat: argument; a. ad hominem - ad hominem argument; a. ad ignorantiam - argument from ignorance; a. ad misericordiam - appeal to (the emotion) of pity; a. ad verecundiam - appeal to authority; a. e consensu gentium - argument from common consent; a. e contrario - argument from the contrary; a. ex concesso - argument ex concesso; a. negativum - |
Argwohn m suspicion; mistrust |
Arianisierung f Aryanization |
Arianismus m Arianism |
Arie f (-n) aria |
Arist abr Aristeas-Brief |
Aristipp m Aristippus |
Aristob abr Aristobul |
Aristokratie f aristocracy |
Aristokratismus m aristocratism |
Aristoteles m Aristotle |
Aristotelianismus m Aristotelianism |
Aristoteliker m Aristotelian |
Aristotelismus m Aristotelism |
arkadisch adj Arcadian |
Arkanum n arcanum |
ARKF SIG Allgemeiner Religions- und Kirchenfreund und Kirchen-Correspondent. Würzburg |
arm adj
poor; needy; ein a. Sünder - a poor sinner or wretch
Arm m (-e)
arm; branch
arm. abr armenisch |
Armband n (-"er) bracelet |
armen. abr armenisch |
Armengesetz poor-law |
Arminianer m Arminian |
Armreif m (-e) bracelet, armband |
armselig adj poor, miserable; despicable |
Armut f poverty |
Aroniter (pl) Aaronites |
ARPs SIG Archiv für Religionspsychologie (und Seelenführung). Tübingen |
Arr. abr Arrangement |
arrangieren to arrange; to adapt |
arretieren to arrest, take into custody |
arreton n Gr: something ineffable |
ars amandi f (the) art of love |
ARSJ SIG Acta Romana Societatis Jesu. Roma |
ars moriendi f (the) art of dying |
ArsOr SIG Ars Orientalis. Washington, D.C. |
ARSP SIG Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie |
ars poetica f poetic art |
ARSRG SIG Arbeiten zur Rechtssoziologie und Rechtsgeschichte. Karlsruhe |
ArsSac SIG Ars sacra. Zürich |
Art f (-en)
kind, type, sort; species; variety; manner, way; Phil: mode; A.nouveau - art nouveau, Jugendstil
art. abr artikuliert; artistisch |
Art. abr Artikel |
ArtB SIG Art Bulletin. New York |
Art brut m art brut, raw art |
Art deco m/n art deco; decorative art |
Artefakt n (-e) artefact, artifact |
Artefaktparadigma n artefact; artifact or construct paradigm |
arteigen adj characteristic of specific (to the ideology of an ethnic group or race), appropriate or peculiar to species |
Artenbildung f speciation |
Artenreichtum m plurality or diversity of species |
Artenschwund m loss of species |
Artentransmutation f transmutation of species |
Artenumbildung f transmutation of species |
Artenvernichtung f extinction of species, species extinction |
Artenvielfalt f variety or diversity of species |
artes mechanicae servile arts |
artgemäß (being in harmony/compatible with the idiology of a specific ethnic group or race, with reference to a persons thinking and actions) |
Artgenosse m (-n) member of the same species |
artgerecht adj species-appropriate, treatment of appropriate to the species |
Artgleichheit f cospecificity; see artgemäß |
articuli fidei Lat: articles of faith |
articuli fundamentales Lat: fundamental articles (of faith, etc) |
artifizielle adj artificial |
artig adj good; courteous; good-natured |
Artikel m (-)
to articulate |
ArtJ(NY) SIG Art Journal. New York |
ARTL SIG Allgemeines Repertorium für die theologische Literatur und kirchliche Statistik. Berlin |
arts liberales liberal arts |
artspezifisch adj species-specific |
Artunterschied m (-e) specific difference; species-specific difference |
Artwandel m species change |
ARW SIG Archiv für Religionswissenschaft. Leipzig |
ARWP SIG Archiv für Rechts- und Wirtschaftsphilosophie. Leipzig |
Arznei f (-en) medicine |
Arzt m (-"e) physician; doctor; surgeon |
AS abbr
Assyriological Studies. Chicago |
ASäG SIG Archiv für die sächsische Geschichte. Dresden |
ASAW SIG Abhandlungen der sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Leipzig |
ASCA SIG Archäologische Studien zum christlichen Altertum und Mittelalter. Leipzig |
Ascensus m ascent |
Asche f ash, ashes |
Aschenhaufen m (-) ash heap; dust heap |
Aschenurne f (-n) cinerary urn; urn for cremation ashes |
Ascherabild n (-er) image of the goddess Asherah |
Aschermittwoch m Ash Wednesday |
aschk. aschkenasisch |
AscJes Ascensio Jesaiae |
Ascls Ascensio Isaiae |
aseitas Lat: aseity; self-existence |
Aseität f aseity |
ASEST SIG Analekten für das Studium der exegetischen und systematischen Theologie. Leipzig |
AsF SIG Asiatische Forschungen. Wiesbaden |
ASG SIG Archiv für schweizerische Geschichte. Zürich |
asiatisch Philosophie f Asian |
Asien n Asia |
Askese f asceticism, ascetism; innerweltliche A. - inner-world asceticism, this-worldly asceticism; Prinzip der A. - principle of asceticism, ascetic principle |
Asket m (-en) ascetic |
Asketiker m (-) ascetic |
asketisch adj ascetic |
Asketizismus m asceticism, ascetism |
ASKG SIG Archiv für schlesische Kirchengeschichte. Hildesheim |
Askriptor m (-en) ascriptor |
ASNS Archiv für schlesische Kirchengeschichte. Hildesheim Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen (bis 1930) und Literaturen. Braunschweig |
asomatisch adj asomatic, asomatous, nonbodily |
asozial n a. Verhalten - antisocial, asocial |
Asozialität f asociality |
ASP abbr
American Studies in Papyrology. New Haven, Conn. |
ASPh abbr Archiv für systematische Philosophie. Berlin |
ASR SIG American Sociological Review. Washington, D.C. |
ASRG abbr Archiv für schweizerische Reformationsgeschichte. Solothurn |
ASRP SIG Archiv für die schweizerische Reformationsgeschichte. Solothurn |
ass. abr assistieren; assistiert; assoziieren; assoziiert; assyrisch |
assensus Lat: assent; agreement; (spiritual) acknoledgment ; a. historicus - historical assent |
assentieren to assent |
Assertion f (-en) assertion |
assertorisch adj assertoric; assertory; assertorischer Imperativ - assertoric imperative (Kant); assertorisches Urteil - assertoric judg(e)ment |
Assimilation f assimilation |
Assimilationsdruck m assimilation pressure |
Assimilationspolitik f assimilation policy, policy of assimilation |
Assimilationsprozeß m assimilation process |
Assimilierung f assimilation |
Assist. abr Assitent(in); Assistenz |
Assoziation f (-en) association |
assoziativ Denken adj associative |
Assoziativgesetz n associative law |
Assoziieren n association or associating |
AsST SIG Asiatische Studien. Bern |
assumptio carnis Lat: the assumption of the flesh |
Assumption f assumption |
assyr. abr assyriologisch; assyrisch |
Assyr. abr Assyrer; Assyrien; Assyriologie; Assyriologe |
Assyrien n Assyria |
Ast m (-"e) bough, branch, limb |
ästh. abr ästhetisch; ästhetisieren; ästhetizistisch |
Ästh. abr Ästhetik; Ästhetiker; Ästhetizismus |
Ästhesie f aesthesia, aesthesis |
Ästhet m aesthete |
Ästhetentum n aesthetisism |
Ästhetik f aesthetics; Ä. der Gewalt - aesthetics of violence; Ä. des Häßlichen - aesthetics of the ugly; Ä. empirische - empirical aesthetics; Ä. formale - formal aesthetics |
Ästhetiker m aesthetician |
ästhetisch adj aesthetic(al); Phil: ästhetisch-Erhabenes - the aesthetic(ally) sublime; ä. Eigenschaft - aesthetic property; ä. Einstellung - aesthetic attitude; ä. Empfänglichkeit - aesthetic receptivity, sensitivity, sensibility, responsiveness; ä. Idee - aesthetic idea (Kant); ä Interesselosigkeit - aesthetic disinterestedness; ä. Moral - aesthetic moral or morality; ä. Normalidee - aesthetic normal idea (Kant) |
Ästhetische n the aesthetic, the aesthetical |
ästhetisieren to aestheticize |
Ästhetisierung f aestheticization |
Ästhetizismus m aestheticism |
Astralgeister pl astral spirits |
Astralleib m Jnd: astral body |
Astralmythologie f astral mythology |
Astralprojektion f astral projection |
Astralreligion f astral projection |
Astrologie f astrology |
Astromantie f astromancy |
Astrotheologie f astrotheology |
ASUBG SIG Arbeiten aus der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen. Göttingen |
Asudauer f persistence; perseverance, endurance; stamina; patience |
Asyl n (-e) asylum; refuge, sanctuary |
Asylpolitik f asylum policy |
Asylrecht n right of asylum |
Asymmetrie f asymmetry |
asymmetrisch adj asymmetrical, asymmetrically |
asymptotisch adj asymptotic; a. Annäherung - asymptotic approximation |
asymptotische Annäherung f asymptotic approximation |
A.T. Altes Testament - Old Testament |
AT abr Altes Testament - Old Testament |
at. abr alttestamentlich |
ATA SIG Alttestamentliche Abhandlungen. München |
Ataraxie f ataraxia, ataraxy; freedom from disturbance; indifference; serenity, tranquility (of mind) |
Atavismus m (-men) atavism |
ATB SIG Auserlesene theologische Bibliothek. Leipzig |
ATD SIG Das Alte Testament Deutsch. Neues Göttinger Bibelwerk. Göttingen |
ATeil SIG Acta Teilhardiana. München |
Atem m breath; Mus: tonloser A. - unphonated breath, unvoiced breath |
Atembehandlung f (-en) breath control |
Atempause f (-n) breathing pause |
Atemzeichen n (-) breath(ing) mark |
Atemzug m (-"e) breath |
äth. abr äthiopisch |
Athanasianer m Athanasian; das A. Glaubensbekenntnis - Athanasian Creed |
Athanasianische Glaubensbekenntnis n Athanasian Creed |
Athanasie f athanasia, immortality (of the soul) |
Athanatismus m athanatism, belief in immorality (of the soul) |
AThANT abbr Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments. Zürich |
Atheismus m atheism |
Atheismusstreit m controversy over atheism (Fichte) |
Atheist m atheist |
atheistisch adj atheistic(al); atheistischer Humanismus - atheistic humanism (Marx) |
athematisch adj a-thematic |
Äther m ether, aether |
ätherisch adj ethereal |
Ätherleib m Jnd: astral body |
äthiop. abr äthiopisch |
AThNL SIG Archiv für die Theologie und ihre neueste Literatur. Tübingen |
AThR SIG Anglican Theological Review. New York |
Ätiologie f (a)etiology |
atl. abr alttestamentlich - (of the) Old Testament |
atlich abr alttestamentlich |
Atman m, n atman |
atmen to breathe; to inhale |
Atmung f breathing; respiration |
atomare adj nuclear; atomic, atomical; simple, basic, primitive; a. Aussage - atomic proposition or statement; a. Gesellschaft - atomic or nulear society; a. Tatsachen - atomic facts; a. Ausdruck - nuclear or atomic expression; a. Satz - atomic sentence |
Atomismus m atomism |
Atomist m (-en) Atomist |
Atomistik f atomism |
atomistische Philosophie f atomistic philosophy |
Atomlehre f atomic theory |
atonal atonal |
Atonalismus m atonalism |
Atonalität f atonality |
Attasche f (-n) attachment(s) |
Attische Schule f Attic School |
attr. abr attributiv; attraktiv |
Attr. abr Attribut; Attraktion; Attrappe |
Attraktivität f attractiveness |
Attribut n (-e) attribute; predicate |
Attribut-Substanz-Relation f attribute-substance relation |
attributa Lat: attributes; a. divina - divine attributes; a. ecclesiae - attributes of the church |
Attribute Gottes attributes of God |
Attributionsanalogie f analogy of attribution (Aquinas) |
attributum Lat: attribute, characteristic, property |
Attributvariable f (-n) predicate variable |
a.u. abr Lat: anno urbis im Jahre der Stadt (Rom); Lat: ab usu wie üblich; Lat: ad usum zum Gebrauch |
a.u.a. abr auch unter ander(e)n |
AuA sig Antike und Abendland. Hamburg |
AuC SIG Antike und Christentum. By Franz Joseph Dölger. München |
also; too; likewise; even
AuD SIG Auftrag und Dienst. Göttingen |
Auditor m (-en) ecclesiastical judge |
Aue m (-n) pasture |
auf adv, conj, prep
1. adv up(wards); open; astire; - 2. conj (in order) that; - 3. prep (dat) on, upon; for; in; at; of; by; - prep (acc) on; in; at; to; towards; up |
Aufb. abr Aufbau |
Aufbau m (-ten)
construction; structure; building, erection; setup, arrangement, disposition
aufbauen vr sep
to erect, build (up), construct; to base on; wieder a. - to build up again, rebuild; to reconstruct
aufbewahren vr sep to keep, store up; to preserve |
aufbieten vi sep to proclaim; to call up; to summon; to raise ; mobilized; to muster; to levy |
aufblähen vr sep to puff up; to inflate; to expand; (refl) to be puffed up; to boast |
aufblasen vi sep to blow up, to inflate, to distend |
Aufblick m (-er) upward glance or look |
aufblicken vr sep to look or glance up; to raise one's eyes (zu - to) |
aufbrechen vi sep to break, burst, or force open; to start; to depart |
aufbringen vi sep to irritate; to provoke; to enrage; to raise or lift up; to bring up |
aufdecken vr sep to uncover; to disclose, reveal |
Aufdeckung f (-en) uncovering; revelation' exposure; disclosure; discovery, detection |
aufdrängen vr sep to force or thrust (something) (up)on (someone); (refl) aufdrängen - to force or thrust oneself (up)on (someone) |
aufeinander adv one top of one another or each other (objects, etc); one after the other, one by one; one against the other; (against, follow, collide with, etc) each other or one another |
Aufeinanderangewiesensein n Phil: (state of) being dependent upon each other |
Aufenthalt m (-e) stay; sojourn; residence; abode; halt; delay |
auferlegen vr sep to impose, enjoin, lay ((up)on); to inflict (on); to lay down |
auferstanden p p, adj of auferstehen - risen |
Auferstandene m the Resurrected One, the Risen One |
auferstehen vi sep to rise (from the dead), to resurrect |
Auferstehung f (-en)
resurrection (of Christ), rising from the dead; die A. des Fleisches - resurrection of the body
Auferstehungsfeier f Easter, Feast of the Resurrection |
Auferstehungsfest n (sg) Easter, Feast of the Resurrection |
auferwecken vr sep to raise (up) from the dead, restore to life |
Auferweckung f the raising from the dead; resuscitation |
auferziehen vi sep to educate |
Auff. abr Auffassung; Aufforderung; Aufführung |
auffahren vi sep to ascend, rise; to pull/drive up; to array |
Auffahrt f ascension; Christi A. - the ascension (of Christ) |
auffallen vi sep
to notice; attract attention or notice; to fall (auf - upon), hit; to be conspicuous; to stand out
to conceive; to understand; to interpret
Auffassung f (-en)
view, conception; understanding, comprehension; interpretation; der A. sein - to be of the opinion |
Auffassungweise f (-n) approach |
auffinden vi sep
to find (out), discover, to locate; to trace
auffordern vr sep
to urge; to invite; to request; to demand; to summon; to challenge; to call (up)on, ask
auffressen vi sep to eat up, devour; to corrode |
aufführen vr sep
to present; to cite; to bring forward
Aufführung f (-en) performance, showing, presentation; entry, production; behavior |
Aufg. abr Aufgabe; Aufgang; Aufgebot |
Aufgabe f (-n)
task; responsibility; function; proposition; purpose; problem; lesson; surrender; resignation; abandonment
Aufgang m (-"e) rising; ascension |
aufgeben vi sep
to give up, abandon; to resign; to let go; to relinquish; to deliver; to register; to give notice, let know; to advice
aufgef. abr aufgeführt |
aufgehen to dawn on one; to rise (sun, etc.); to evaporate; to dissolve; to come loose or untied; to sprout |
Aufgehobene n Phil: the sublated |
Aufgehobensein des Gegensatzes n Phil: sublation of the opposite/opposition (Hegel) |
aufgeklärt f enlightened; liberal (society, intellect, thinking, thought, etc.); Selbstinteresse - enlightened self-interest; Zeitalter - enlightened age |
aufgemalt p p, adj painted on the surface, painted over |
Aufgeriebenen f the exhausted, the worn; the destroyed |
Aufgliederung f (-en) arrangement, classification, analysis, structure, breakdown |
aufgreifen vi sep to pick or snatch up; to seize (something, a person, etc.); to take up |
aufhalten vi sep
to stop; to detain; to delay; to halt; (vrf) to stay, live, dwell; to linger (over)
aufhänfen vi sep to heap or pile up; to accumulate; amass (treasures, etc.) |
aufhängen vi sep to hang (up); (refl) to hang oneself |
aufheben No information yet. |
Aufhebung No information yet. |
aufhelfen vi sep to aid; to succor; to help (someone) up |
aufhellen vr sep to brighten up; to lighten; to clarify |
aufhören vr sep
to stop, end, cease
Aufkl. abr Aufklärung |
aufklären vr sep to enlighten; to clear up |
Aufklärer m philosopher of Enlightenment |
aufklärerisch-emanzipatorische Vernunft f enlightened emancipative reason |
aufklärerische Ideale Enlightenment ideals |
Aufklärung f (-en) enlightenment;
explanation, instruction, information; clarification; illumination; (the) Enlightenment; das Zeitalter der A. - (the) Age of Enlightenment |
Aufklärungskampagne f (-n) educational campaign |
Aufklärungsphilosophie f philosophy of the Enlightenment |
aufkommen vi sep to rise, get up |
Aufkündigung f (-en) warning; notice, recall, termination, cancelation, withdrawal, revocation |
Aufl. abr Auflage - edition |
aufladen vi sep to load; to charge or burden with; (refl) to take upon oneself |
Auflage f (-n) edition; number of copies; reprint |
auflauern vr sep to lie in wait; be in wait or on the watch for |
Auflauf m (-"e) crowd; gathering; tumult, riot, commotion |
auflecken vr sep to consume |
auflegen vr sep to lay or put on (of hands); to lay on, impose |
auflehnen vr sep to rebel, revolt; to lean (against or on) |
Auflehnung f (-en) rebellion, revolt; mutiny; opposition |
auflesen to gather, to pick up |
aufleuchten vr sep to light up; to flash (up); to brighten (up) |
auflösen vr sep
to loosen, untie; to break; to resolve, unravel; to brake/split up; to dissolve; to disintegrate
Auflösung f (-en) resolution; cancelation (accidental); disentanglement; disintegration; annulment |
aufmachen vr sep
to rise, set out, get up; to open (up); to untie; to get ready
aufmerksam adj
alert, attentive (to); a. machen - to point out, draw attention to |
Aufmerksamkeit f (-en)
attention; attentiveness; alertness; gift, present
Aufn. abr Aufnahme |
Aufnahme f (-n)
taking up, absorption; integration, assimilation; reception; picture (photographic), photo; recording; admission; initiation; accommodation
Aufnahmefähigkeit f receptivity |
aufnehmen vi sep
to take (up); to adopt; to hold, contain; to receive; to admit
aufopfern vr sep to sacrifice, offer up; to offer as a sacrifice; to give up; to devote (für - to); (refl) to sacrifice oneself; to devote oneself, dedicate oneself (für - to) |
aufpassen vr sep to pay attention; to attend; to take care, mind |
aufrappeln vr sep (refl) to pull oneself together; to get up |
aufrecht adj upright, honorable, honest; loyal; erect, upright (walk, pasture, etc.) |
aufregen vr sep to excite; stir up; to agitate |
Aufregung f (-en) excitement; agitation; irritation; fuss; in Aufregung geraten - to become very excited, to become upset, to become agitated |
aufreiben vi sep to annihilate, to wipe out, (fig) to exhaust, to wear out |
aufreißen vi sep to rip or tear up or open; to break, wrench open; to open one's eyes wide; to split; to open; to burst; to crack; to chap |
aufreizen vr sep to incite, provoke, stir up; to instigate |
to raise, erect; to set up, establish; to renew; to encourage; vrf to raise oneself
aufrichtig adj
upright, honest; sincere; open, frank |
Aufrichtigkeit f sincerity; uprightness |
Aufruf m (-e) appeal, call; call up; proclamation; exhortation |
aufrufen vi sep
to call (upon); to encourage; to appeal (to); to summon; to exhort
Aufruhr m (-e) riot; revolt |
aufrühren vr sep to stir up, incite (to rebellion); to mention again |
Aufrührer m (-) rebel; insurgent; mutineer; agitator |
aufrührerisch adj rebellious; insurgent, mutinous, seditious, inflammatory |
Aufs. abr Aufsatz |
aufsagen vr sep to say, to repeat, to recite, to cancel, to annul, to give notice (dat - to) |
Aufsatz m (-"e)
essay, composition; paper; treatise; article; commandment; (pl) tradition
aufschieben vi sep to postpone |
aufschießen vi sep to spring up |
Aufschlag m (-"e) impact, crash; advance; rise; extra charge; surtax; additional duty; upbeat (conducting) |
aufschlagen vi sep to hit, to strike, to crash; to break open, to crack, to turn up, to set up, to put up, to charge, to increase, to raise, to pitch (ten) |
Aufschluß m (-"e) explanation, information, data (pl) (über - about) |
aufschlußreich adj
informative, instructive
Aufschnitt m (-er) Mus: mouth, cut-up; orifice; slit |
Aufschr. abr Aufschrift |
aufschrecken vr sep to startle, to rouse; frighten (up), to start (up); to jump |
aufschreiben vi sep to write down; to take note of |
Aufschrift f (-en) inscription; legend, address, direction |
Aufschub m (-"e) postponement, delay; adjournment |
aufschürzen vr sep to tuck up; to gird |
aufschütten vr sep to pile or heap up; to pour on; to store up; to charge; to fill; to raise; to deposit |
aufsehen vi sep to look up or upon |
Aufsehen n stir, sensation; A. erregen - to attract attention |
Aufseher m (-) warden; keeper |
aufsein vi sep to be open; to be up |
aufsetzen vr sep to set or pile up; to put on; to draw up, compose, draft; to sit up |
aufsperren vr sep to unlock; to open (something) wide |
aufspielen vr sep to strike up (for); to play (for) |
aufspringen vi sep to leap, spring, or jump up |
Aufstand m (-"e) revolt, rebellion; riot; insurrection, uprising; mutiny; A. der Massen - revolt of the masses |
aufstehen vi sep
to stand up; to arise; to get up
aufsteigen vi sep
to rise; to ascend; to climb (up); to mount; (pr p) aufsteigende Bewegung des Lebens - ascending movement of life (Nietzsche)
aufsteigende Bewegung des Lebens f ascending movement of life (Nietzsche) |
aufstellen vr sep
to set up erect; to draw up; to organize; to assemble; to make out (a list, etc.); to line up, display
Aufstiegschance f opportunity for social advance |
aufstützen vr sep to prop up (with); to support (by) |
aufsuchen vr sep
to visit, see; to seek, look for
auftauchen vr sep
to surface, appear; to emerge, come into view; to arise
auftauen vr sep to thaw |
aufteilen vr sep to divide (up), partition; to distribute |
Auftrag m (-"e)
commission, mission (an - to); appointment; mandate, charge;task; im A. von - on behalf of; einen A. ausführen - to execute a mission; A. der Geschichte - mandate from history
auftragen vi sep to apply, to serve (up), to dish (up); dick a. - to exaggerate |
Auftragsforschung f commissioned research |
auftreten vi sep
to appear; to be found; to act, perform; to come forward; to rise (gegen - against )
Auftritt m (-e) appearance; scene; entry (of a throne) |
auftun vi sep to open; to disclose; to become visible |
Auführerin f (-nen) rebel; insurgent; mutineer; agitator |
aufwachen vr sep to awaken, wake up |
aufwachsen vi sep to grow up |
aufwarten vr sep to wait (up)on, attend on a person |
aufwärts adv upward(s); up, uphill |
Aufwärtsbewegung f upward movement; A. der Seele - upward movement of the soul (Plato) |
Aufwartung f visit, call; attendance, service |
aufwecken vr sep to rouse; to waken |
aufweisen vi sep
to show, exhibit; to have; to show, present; to produce
aufwerfen vi sep to heap or pile up; to raise (question, problem, etc); build; to proclaim; to curve (organ); (refl) to set oneself up (for) |
aufwiegeln vr sep to stir up; to incite; to instigate |
aufwiegen vi sep to offset; to compensate or make up for |
aufzählen vr sep to count up, to enumerate; to call off; to list; to itemize |
aufzeichnen vr sep to draw (auf - upon); to sketch, write down; to register, record; to enter; to chronicle |
aufzeigen No information yet. |
aufziehen vi sep to raise, to bring up (children); to hoist; to arrange, plan (festival); to march |
Augapfel m (sg) apple of the (His) eye |
Auge n (-en)
eye; sigh; die Augen auftun or öffnen - to open the eyes; die Augen aufheben - to lift one's eyes
Augenblick m (-e)
moment, instant |
Augenlicht n (eye)sight |
Augenlid n (-er) eyelid |
Augensalbe f (sg) salve for the eyes, ointment |
Augenzeuge m moment, instant |
Augsburg (City of) Augsburg; das Augsburger Bekenntnis, die Augsburger Konfession - the Augsburg Confession, Confessio Augustana, C. A.; der Augsburger Religionsfrieden - Religious Peace at Augsburg |
Augustiner m (-) Augustinian |
augustinisch adj Augustinian |
Augustinismus m Augustinism or Augustinianism |
Augustinus Augustine |
A und O n Alpha and Omega |
Aura f aura; A. der Kunst - aura of art |
aus adv, prep adv finished, done with; over, out; prep with dat of, from; by; out off; on, upon; through; a. Pflicht - from duty (Kant) |
AuSa SIG Austria Sacra. Wien |
ausbauen vr sep
to extend; to build up; to improve; to complete, finish; to develop; to elaborate
ausbessern vr sep to mend, repair, fix; to patch up; to restore |
Ausbesserung f (-en) repair; mending; matching |
ausbeten vr sep to finish praying |
Ausbeutung f exploitation |
ausbilden vr sep
to train; to instruct; to educate; to develop; to form; to cultivate; to shape
ausbleiben vi sep to stay away; to fail to appear |
Ausblickspunkt m Phil: point of view (Carnap) |
ausbrechen vi sep to break or force out |
ausbreiten vr sep
to spread; to extend, spread (out); to expand; go into details
Ausbreitung No information yet. |
Ausbruch m (-"e) outbreak, eruption; escape; outburst, ecstasy |
ausbrüten vr sep to hatch (out); to brood over; to plot |
Ausbürgerung f expatriation |
Ausdauer f patience, persistence |
ausdehnen vr sep
to extend; to expand, widen, enlarge; to stretch (out), spread
Ausdehnung f extension, enlarging; expansion; A. des Universums - expansion of the universe; A. räumliche - spatial extension |
ausdenken vi sep to think out; (refl) sich etwas a. - to think something out, to think something up |
Ausdeutung f (-en) exegesis; interpretation |
ausdr. abr ausdrücklich |
Ausdr. abr Ausdruck |
Ausdruck m (-"e)
expression, word, phrase; term; zum A. bringen/geben - to voice express |
ausdrücken vr sep
to press (out); to utter, express, voice
ausdrücklich adj, adv
explicit(ly), express(ly); intentional(ly); emphatic(ly)
Ausdrucksbewegung f movement expressing thought or feeling; (facial) expression; gesture |
Ausdruckseigenschaft f property of being an expression |
Ausdrucksform f (-en) form of expression |
Ausdrucksfunktion f expressive function (Bühler) |
Ausdrucksisomorphsmus m isomorphism of expressions |
Ausdruckskalkül m, n statement calculus, calculus of expressions |
Ausdruckslehre |
Ausdruckspsychologie f psychology of expressive behavior |
Ausdrucksqualität f expression or expressive quality |
ausdrucksstark adj very expressive |
Ausdrucksstärke f expressivity, expressiveness |
Ausdruckssteigerung f (-en) increase in expression |
Ausdruckstheorie f expression theory, theory of expression |
Ausdrucksverstehen n understanding of expression |
ausdrucksvoll adj in an expressive manner |
Ausdrucksweise f (-n) manner of expression; mode of expression; way of speaking |
Ausdruck unendlicher Länge m Phil: infinite expression |
Ausehen n look, appearance; exterior |
from one another; asunder, apart |
Auseinandergesprengtwerden n the scattering |
auseinandersetzen vr sep
to explain, discuss; to make clear; to analyze
Auseinandersetzung f (-en)
discussion, debate; analysis (of); examination (of); argument; conflict
auserkoren adj chosen, elect; selected |
auserlesen adj picked, selected, select; choice; exquisite |
ausersehen vi sep to choose; to select, pick; to designate; to destine; to earmark (für, zu - for) |
auserwählen vr sep to choose, select; to predestine; auserwählt, p p - chosen; predestined |
auserwählt p p chosen |
Auserwählte m (-n) the chosen or elect one |
Ausf. abr Ausfall; Ausführung |
ausfahren vi sep to take out (for a drive); to break out; to come out, drive out |
Ausfall m (-"e) falling out, loss, deficit, deficiency, shortage, losses, casualties, result, sortie, attack |
ausfallen vi sep
to fall or drop out; to fail; to be cancelled, not take place; to turn out; to prove, result
ausfliegen vi sep to send forth; to fly out |
Ausflucht f (-"e) excuse, pretext; evasion; shift |
Ausfluß m emanation |
ausforschen vr sep to search out, explore, investigate, inquire into; to question (a person) (über - about); to sound (a person) (über - about) |
ausfragen vi sep to question, sound out; to interrogate |
ausführen vr sep
to carry out; to lead/take out; to explain; to execute (a plan); to put into effect
ausführlich adj, adv
1. adj detailed; exhaustive; comprehensive; ample; - 2.
adv in detail, fully
Ausführung f (-en)
execution; performance; implementation; explanation;
design; statement; completion; style; type;
(pl) words; statements, comments; arguments
ausfüllen to occupy (a position), to fill out (a form); to fill up; to fill in, to fill |
Ausg. abr Ausgabe(n) - edition |
Ausgabe f (-n)
edition; expense |
Ausgang m (-"e)
end; close; outcome; starting point; (point of) departure; exit
Ausgangsbedingung f (-en) initial condition |
Ausgangsdaten initial data |
Ausgangspunkt m (-e) starting point, point of departure |
Ausgangsreihe f (-n) original row; original series |
Ausgangsthema n (-men) Mus: root theme; opening theme |
Ausgangswahrscheinlichkeit f initial, prior probability |
Ausg.Dat. abr Ausgangsdatum |
ausgebildet adj trained, skilled; voll a. - fully qualified |
ausgedehnt pp extended (object, substance (Descaites), etc) |
ausgehen vi sep
to go out; to start/originate/proceed (from); to emanate; to go for a walk; to end (up), come to an end; to run out (of supplies); to start with
ausgehöhlt p p hollowed out |
ausgemalt p p painted |
ausgenommen adj except, with the exception of, save; (conj) a. daß - exept, saving that, unless |
ausgeprägt p p
marked, pronounced, prominent; distinctive
Ausgerichtetheit f directedness (Heidegger) |
ausgeschlossen pp excluded; Phil: a. Drittes - excluded middle |
ausgeschlossener Widerspruch m non-contradiction |
ausgesprochen pp, adj decided, pronounced, positive |
ausgewogen p p (well) balanced |
ausgezeichnet adj distinguished; excellent; outstanding |
ausgiebig adj exhaustive; extensive; thorough |
ausgießen vi sep to pour out; (vrf) to empty oneself |
Ausgießung f (-en) outpouring; die A. des Heiligen Geistes - the outpouring of the Holy Spirit |
ausgleichend prp, f retributive, rectifactory, rectificatory, corrective, or commutative (justice, etc.); compesatory or poetic (justice, etc.) |
Ausg.Nr. abr Ausgabenummer; Ausgangsnummer |
Ausgr. abr Ausgrabung(en) |
ausgraben vi sep to excavate, dig; exhume, dig up, unearth; dig out |
Ausgräber m (-) excavator |
Ausgrabung f (-en)
excavation, digging; find
Ausgrabungsarbeit f (-en) excavation work |
Ausgrabungsfund m (-e) excavated find |
Ausgrabungsstätte f (-en) excavation site |
Ausgrenzung f (-en) exclusion; marginalization |
Ausguss m (-"e) spout |
aushacken vr sep to pick out |
aushalten vi sep
to endure, hold out; to support; to sustain; to stand (up to)
ausharren vr sep to endure; to hold out |
aushauen vr sep to hew out |
ausheben vi sep to dig or lift (up); to recruit; to levy; to enlist; to conscript |
ausheilen vr sep to heal (up); to cure completely |
aushelfen vi sep to help out, assist |
aushöhlen vr sep to hollow out |
Aushöhlung f (-en) hollow, depression, groove |
ausjäten vr sep to weed out |
auskaufen vr sep to buy up; die Zeit a. - to make the most of one's time |
Ausklang m conclusion; epilogue |
ausklingen vi sep to fade away, to end in |
auskommen vi sep
to get along (with); to manage (to)
auskömmlich adj adequate; sufficient |
auskundschaften vr sep to explore; to spy out |
Auskunft f (-"e) information; particulars; intelligence |
ausl. abr auslautend; auslegen; ausländisch |
Ausl. abr Auslaut; Auslegung; Ausland; Ausländer |
Ausländer m (-) foreigner; alien |
ausländisch adj foreign |
auslassen vi sep to let out; to release; (refl) to express oneself |
Ausläufer m (-) branch, foothills, outskirts |
Ausläuten n ringing-down |
ausleeren vr sep to empty; to clear (out); to drink up; to drain |
auslegen vr sep to interpret; to explain; to expound; to spend; to lay out |
Ausleger m (-) interpreter, expositor, exegete |
Auslegung f (-en)
interpretation; explanation; exegesis; exposition |
Auslegunglskunst f art of exegesis |
Auslegungslehre f exegese |
Auslese f selection |
auslesen vi sep
to select, pick
Ausleseprozeß m selection process |
ausliefern vr sep to turn or hand over; to deliver; to extradite; to distribute; to surrender, give oneself up |
auslöschen vr sep to put out; to extinguish; to quench |
Auslösemechanismus m release mechanism |
auslösen vr sep
to release; to set off, cause, unleash; to redeem
ausmachen vr sep
to locate; to make out; to determine; to come to; to settle, agree; to agree; das macht nichts aus - that does not matter
Ausn. abr Ausnahme(n) |
Ausnahme f (-en)
exception; exemption
ausnehmen vi sep to take out, disembowel; gut (fish); to except, exlude |
ausnutzen vr sep to use, utilize (something); to exploit |
ausplündern vr sep to rob; to ransack, loot, pillage |
Ausprägung f (-en) impress; coinage, mintage; stamping; stamp |
ausraufen vi sep to pluck out |
ausreichen vr sep
to be enough, sufficient; to be satisfying
Ausreise f (-n) departure |
ausreißen vi sep to pluck out; to run away; to desert |
Ausreißereffekt f Phil: runaway effect |
ausrichten vr sep
to straighten, align, adjust; to do, carry out, execute; to accomplish; to fulfil; to succeed (in); to tell; deliver
Ausrichtung f (-en)
orientation; direction; directionality (Heidegger); alignment; to bring into line with; execution, delivery
ausrotten vr sep to exterminate; to cut off |
Ausrottung f destruction; extermination |
Ausrottungskrieg m (-e) war of extermination |
ausrufen vi sep to proclaim; to cry out |
ausruhen vr sep to rest (von - from); to take a rest, to relax; to rest |
ausrüsten vr sep to equip |
Ausrüstung f (-en) equipment; armament |
AUSS abbr
Andrews University Seminary Studies. Berrien Springs, Michigan |
Aussaat f sowing, seed |
Aussage f (-n)
statement; utterance; declaration; proposition; affirmation; testimony; assertion; message (of art, a text, etc); evidence; existentielle A. - existential proposition or statement
Aussageform f statement form |
Aussagefunktion f propositional function, statement function |
Aussagehomogenität f Phil: enunciative homogeneity |
aussagen vr sep
to state, declare, assert; to testify; to affirm; to give evidence
Aussagengleichung f Phil: propositional or statement equation |
Aussagenkalkül m, n Phil: propositional calculus |
Aussagenlogik f propositional or sentential logic |
aussagenlogisch adj Phil: propositional calculus |
Aussagenvariable f proposition(al) variable |
Aussagesatz m statement |
Aussatz m leprosy |
aussätzig adj leprous |
Aussätzige m (-n) leper |
ausscheiden vi sep to eliminate; to separate; to remove; to exclude, rule out; to discharge |
ausschicken vr sep to send out |
ausschl. abr ausschließlich; ausschließend |
ausschlagen vi sep to bud, sprout; to beat out (the time) (in conducting) |
ausschlaggebend pr p deciding; a stimme - deciding vote; decisive voice; tie-breaking vote |
ausschlämmen vr sep to levigate |
ausschließen vi
to exclude, shut out; to except; to lock out; to rule out; to suspend, expel; to excommunicate |
ausschließlich adj
Ausschließung f exclusion |
ausschmücken vr sep to adorn, decorate, ornament, trim |
Ausschnitt m (-e) extract; detail (of a larger work), partial view; section, part |
ausschütteln vr sep to shake out; to extract |
ausschütten vr sep to pour out; to shed |
ausschweifen vr sep to digress; to wander; to indulge in excess; to lead a dissolute life |
Ausschweifung f (-en) excess; intemperance; debauchery; loose living; digression (in speech); aberration (of mind) |
aussehen vi sep
to look; to appear, seem; to have the appearance (of)
Aussehen n look, appearance; exterior |
aussenden vi sep to send out |
Aussendung f (-en) mission |
aüssern vr to express, to utter |
aussetzen vr sep to set out; to disembark; to lower; to launch; to release; to expose; to fail; to pause; to stop; to break off; (refl) to expose oneself to danger; to take a chance |
Aussetzung f (-en) Mus: realization |
Aussicht f view; outlook; prospect; chance |
aussondern to select; to single out |
ausspannen vr sep to spread (out); to stretch, expand; to relax; to slacken |
Aussparengobe f reserved slip |
ausspeien vi sep to spit out |
Aussperrung f lockout |
Ausspr. abr Aussprache; Ausspruch |
Aussprache f (-n) Mus: (verbal) enunciation |
aussprechen vi sep
to express, state, say; to pronounce; to declare; to utter
ausstechen vr sep to cut or put out |
aussteigen vi sep to get out; to get off, disembark; to land |
Aussteiger m (-) drop-out |
ausstellen vr sep to issue; to expose; to exhibit, to display |
ausstoßen vi sep to push or knock out; to exclude; to excommunicate; to banish; to exile |
ausstrecken vr sep to reach out, extend, hold out; to stretch forth; (vrf) to spread or stretch oneself (out) |
ausstreuen vr sep to sow; to disseminate; to give freely |
Ausströmung f emission; outflow; escape, emanation |
aussuchen vr sep to select; to search; to choose; to pick out |
Austauschbarkeit f Phil: interchangeability |
austeilen vr sep to distribute; to allot, divide |
Austeilung f dispensation; distribution; administration |
austilgen vr sep to blot out, erase, eradicate, efface, destroy (completely) |
austrecken vr sep to stretch out |
austreiben vi sep to exorcise; to cast out |
austreten vi sep to secede (from a church, etc); to tread under foot, trample; to step out; to come forth; to set out; to be excused |
austrocknen vr sep to dry out or up, become dry; to become parched |
ausüben vr sep to carry on, conduct, perform; to exercise (power, etc); to exert (influence), to practice |
ausw. abr auswählen |
Ausw. abr Auswahl; Auswechslung; Ausweis; Ausweisung; Ausweitung; Auswertung; Auswanderer; Auswanderung |
auswählen vr sep to choose, select; to pick out |
Auswahlverfahren n (-) selection procedure |
Ausweglosigkeit f aporia; paradoxical situation |
ausweichen vi sep to turn or step aside, make way; to avoid; to withdraw; to avoid contact; elude |
ausweisen vi sep to expel, extradite; to prove, to show; to testify; to prove one's identity; to prove oneself |
ausweiten vr sep to wide, broaden, enlarge, expand; to grow larger; to extend |
auswerfen vi sep to cast (an anchor); to reject; to cast out; to throw out |
Auswirkung f (-en)
consequence; effect (result); repercussion |
Auswirkungsanalyse f impact analysis |
Ausz. abr Auszahlung; Auszeichung; Auszug; Auszüge |
auszeichnen vr sep to distinguish, to mark, to emphasize, to honor |
außen adv
out, outside (of); von a. -- from without |
Außen n the outside |
Außenbau m exterior |
Außenprespektive f external perspective |
Außenseite f (-n) exterior, outside |
Außenseiter m (-) outsider; outcast |
Außenwelt f external or outside world |
Außenweltproblem n problem of the external world |
Außenweltrealismus m external world realism, realism in regard to the external world |
Außenwirklichkeit f external reality |
außer conj, pref, prep 1. conj except; but; unless; 2. pref outside (of), outer; extra; 3. prep besides; except (for); beside, outside; a. sich - outside or beside oneself |
Außer-Sich n the outside-of-itself, the outside oneself (Hegel, Heidegger) |
außerdem adv besides, in addition, moreover |
äußere adj outer, outward, external |
Äußere n what is outward, that which is outward or external |
äußere Anschauung f outer intuition (Kant) |
außereinander adj mutually external |
äußerer adj outer, outward, exterior, external |
Äußeres n (the) outer |
außereuropäisch adj non-European |
außerhalb adv, prep externally, on the outside; ouside (of); beyound |
außerirdisch adj extraterrestrial |
außerkörperlich adj out-of-the-body |
äußerlich adj, adv
external(ly), outward(ly), exterior; superficial(ly), shallow; extrinsic
Äußerlichkeit f outwardness; externality |
äußern No information yet. |
außernatürlich preternatural |
Außersichsein No information yet. |
außersprachlich adj, adv extralinguistically |
äußerst adjb adv
extreme(ly), utmost; exceedingly; most
Äußerung f (-en)
remark, expression, utterance, saying; manifestation
außerweltlich adj extraterrestrial |
außerzeitlich adj extratemporal |
ausziehen vi sep to move, set out; to emigrate; to pullout, extract; to undress |
Auszug m (-"e) recession; recessional; departure; removal; extract, abstract; (sg) exodus (aus - from); |
Autarchie f autarchy |
Autarkie f autarky; self-sufficiency |
auth. abr authentisch |
authentia Lat: authenticity; a. historica or historiae - authenticity or authority of history |
authentifizieren to authenticate |
authentisch adj authentic; au. Dasein - authentic existence |
Authentizität f authenticity |
authoritas Lat: authority; genuineness, originality; a. divina duplex - twofold divine authority; a. Scripturae - the authority of Scripture |
Autismus m autism |
Auto-da-Fé n burning of heretics |
Autoaggression f auto or self aggression |
Autodafé n burning of heretics; burning at the stake; auto-da-fé (literally - act of faith) |
Autodeterminismus m doctrine of self-determination or determinism |
Autoevolution f autoevolution |
Autofalsifikation f autofalsification, self-falsification |
autogr. abr autographiert; autographisch |
Autokatalyse f autocatalysis |
Autokephalie f sovereignty of national churches within the Greek Orthodox Church |
Autokinese f autokinesis |
Autokratie f autocracy |
Autokratismus m autocratic attitude and behavior |
autologisch adj autological |
Automation f automation |
Automatisierung f automation, automatization |
Automatismus m automatism; A. des Instinkts - automatism of instinct (Nietzche) |
Automorphismus m automorphism |
auton. abr autonom |
Auton abr Autonomie |
autonom adj
autonomous; au. Prinzip - autonomous principle (Kant)
autonome adj autonomous |
Autonomie f autonomy; A. des moralisch Handelnden - autonomy of the moral agent; A. des Willens - autonomy of the will (Kant) |
Autonomieprinzip n principle of autonomy, autonomy principle |
Autonomisierung f autonomization |
Autonomismus m autonomism |
Autor m (-en) author; writer |
autor. abr autorisieren; autorisiert |
Autorenkollektiv n authors' collective |
Autorisation f authorization |
Autorisierung f authorization |
autoritär adj authoritarian; a.Gesellschaft - authoritarian or oppressive society |
Autoritarismus m authoritarianism |
Autoritäsobjekt n object of authority |
Autorität f (-en)
authority; innere Au. - internal authority
Autoritätsgläubigkeit f belief in authority |
Autoritätskritik f criticism of authority |
Autoritätssubjekt n subject of authority |
Autoritätstheorie f theory of authority |
Autoritätsträger m (-) bearer, carrier, or upholder of authority |
Autorschaft f authorship |
autosemantisch adj autosemantic |
Autosuggestion f autosuggestion |
Autotelik f autotelicity |
Autotheismus m autotheism |
autothelisch adj autotelic |
autotheos Gr: out of Himself (by its very nature) to be God |
a.u.Z. abr auf unbestimmte Zeit |
Avantgarde f avant-garde; vanguard |
Avantgarde-Kunst f avant-garde art |
Avantgardismus m avant-gardism |
Avatara f avatara |
Ave-Maria n Ave Maria, Hail Mary |
Averroismus m Averroism or Averrhoism (the doctrines and teachings of the Arab philosopher Averroes or Averrhoes in Spain or his followers) |
Aversion f aversion |
Avidya f avidya, ignorance, lack of wisdom |
AVK SIG Archiv für Völkerkunde. Wien |
AVR SIG Archiv des Völkerrechts. Tübingen |
AVSL SIG Archiv des Vereins für siebenbürgische Landeskunde. Hermannstadt |
AVTRW SIG Aufsätze und Vorträge zur Theologie und Religionswissenschaft. Berlin |
AWEAT SIG Archiv für wissenschaftliche Erforschung des Alten Testaments. Halle |
AWR abbr
Aus der Welt der Religionen. Forschungen und Berichte. Gießen |
AWR.AT abbr
Aus der Welt der Religionen. Forschungen und Berichte. - Alttestamentliche Reihe. Gießen |
AWR.B abbr
Aus der Welt der Religionen. Forschungen und Berichte. - Biblische Reihe. Gießen |
AWR.L abbr
Aus der Welt der Religionen. Forschungen und Berichte. - Liturgische Reihe. Gießen |
AWR.NT abbr
Aus der Welt der Religionen. Forschungen und Berichte. - Neutestamentliche Reihe. Gießen |
AWR.PT abbr
Aus der Welt der Religionen. Forschungen und Berichte. - Praktisch-theologische Reihe. Gießen |
AWR.RG abbr
Aus der Welt der Religionen. Forschungen und Berichte. - Religionsgeschichtliche Reihe. Gießen |
AWR.RP abbr
Aus der Welt der Religionen. Forschungen und Berichte. - Religionsphilosophische Reihe. Gießen |
AWR.RW abbr
Aus der Welt der Religionen. Forschungen und Berichte. - Religionswissenschaftliche Reihe. Gießen |
Axiologie f axiology, theory of values |
axiologisch adj axiological |
Axiom n (-e) axiom |
Axiomatik f axiomatcs; axiomatization; study of axioms |
axiomatisch adj, adv axiomatic; axiomatically |
Axiomatisierbarkeit f axiomatizability |
Axiomatisierung f axiomatization; A. der Wahrscheinlichkeits - axiomatization of probability |
Axiomensystem n axiom system |
Axt f (-"e) ax, hatchet |
AZ abbr
Archäologische Zeitung. Berlin |
AZJ SIG Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums. Leipzig |
azyklisch acyclical |
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